资源数据集Visual Synset 网络标签图像

Visual Synset 网络标签图像

2019-11-29 | |  103 |   0 |   0


We address the problem of large-scale annotation of  web images. Our approach is based on the concept of visual synset, which is an organization of images which are visually-similar and semantically-related. Each visual synset represents a single prototypical visual concept, and has an associated set of weighted annotations. Linear SVM’s are utilized to predict the visual synset membership for unseen image examples, and a weighted voting rule is used to construct a ranked list of predicted annotations from a set of visual synsets. We demonstrate that visual synsets lead to better performance than standard methods on a new annotation database containing more than 200 million images and 300 thousand annotations, which is the largest ever reported.

上一篇:SUN 2010 场景图像数据

下一篇:iCubWorld 图像分类数据



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