

2019-12-19 | |  53 |   0 |   0


Full writeup here.

Developed by Jordan Mecom, Alice Wang, and Will Hardy.

This repository contains a MATLAB implementation of Image Analogies by Hertzmann, et al. The paper's website (which includes more results) can be viewed here.

The image analogies paper develops a framework which can create new images from a single training example. This is done through the idea of an image analogy: take an image A and its transformation A’, and provide any image B to produce an output B’ that is analogous to A’. Or, more succinctly: A : A’ :: B : B’. Hertzmann’s algorithm attempts to learn complex, non-linear transformations between A and A’, allowing them to be applied to any other image. This provides a much more powerful and intuitive model than manually selecting filters from a list.





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