

2019-12-20 | |  43 |   0 |   0

This is the PyTorch fork of nmtpy, a sequence-to-sequence framework which was originally a fork ofdl4mt-tutorial.

nmtpytorch is developed and tested on Python 3.6 and will not support Python 2.x whatsoever.


If you use nmtpytorch, you may want to cite the following paper although it was for the older Theano version:

  author    = {Ozan Caglayan and
               Mercedes Garc'{i}a-Mart'{i}nez and
               Adrien Bardet and
               Walid Aransa and
               Fethi Bougares and
               Lo"{i}c Barrault},
  title     = {NMTPY: A Flexible Toolkit for Advanced Neural Machine Translation Systems},
  journal   = {Prague Bull. Math. Linguistics},
  volume    = {109},
  pages     = {15--28},
  year      = {2017},
  url       = {https://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/pbml/109/art-caglayan-et-al.pdf},
  doi       = {10.1515/pralin-2017-0035},
  timestamp = {Tue, 12 Sep 2017 10:01:08 +0100}

Release Notes

See NEWS.md.



Usage Example

A sample NMT configuration for English-to-German Multi30k is provided which covers nearly all of the [train]and [model] specific options to NMT.

After creating a configuration file for your own dataset that suits your need, you can run the following command to start training:

nmtpy train -C <config file>

It is possible to override any configuration option through the command-line:

nmtpy train -C <config file> train.<opt>:<val> model.<opt>:<val> ...

Differences compared to Theano-based nmtpy

The initial release aims to be (as much as) feature compatible with respect to the latest nmtpy with some important changes as well.

New TensorBoard Support

If you would like to monitor training progress, you may want to installtensorboard-pytorch. Note that you will also need to install the actual TensorBoard server which is shipped within Tensorflow in order to launch the visualization server.

Once the dependencies are installed, you need to define a log directory for TensorBoard in the configuration file of your experiment to enable TensorBoard logging. The logging frequency is the same as terminal logging frequency, defined by train.disp_freq option (default: 30 batches).

tensorboard_dir: ~/tb_dir


A Single Command-Line Interface

Instead of shipping several tools for training, rescoring, translating, etc. here we provide a single command-line interface nmtpy which implements three subcommands train, translate and test.

nmtpy train

usage: nmtpy train [-h] -C CONFIG [-s SUFFIX] [-S] [overrides [overrides ...]]

positional arguments:
  overrides             (section).key:value overrides for config

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -C CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Experiment configuration file
  -s SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX
                        Optional experiment suffix.
  -S, --short           Use short experiment id in filenames.

nmtpy translate

usage: nmtpy translate [-h] [-n] [-b BATCH_SIZE] [-k BEAM_SIZE] [-m MAX_LEN]
                       [-a LP_ALPHA] [-d DEVICE_ID] (-s SPLITS | -S SOURCE) -o
                       models [models ...]

positional arguments:
  models                Saved model/checkpoint file(s)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --disable-filters
                        Disable eval_filters given in config
  -b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Batch size for beam-search
  -k BEAM_SIZE, --beam-size BEAM_SIZE
                        Beam size for beam-search
  -m MAX_LEN, --max-len MAX_LEN
                        Maximum seq. limit (Default: 200)
  -a LP_ALPHA, --lp-alpha LP_ALPHA
                        Apply length-penalty (Default: 0.)
  -d DEVICE_ID, --device-id DEVICE_ID
                        Select GPU device(s)
  -s SPLITS, --splits SPLITS
                        Comma separated splits from config file
  -S SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        Comma-separated key:value pairs to provide new inputs.
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output filename prefix

Experiment Configuration

The INI-style experiment configuration file format is slightly updated to allow for future multi-task, multi-lingual setups in terms of data description.

Model-agnostic options are defined in [train] section while the options that will be consumed by the model itself are defined in [model].

An arbitrary number of parallel corpora with multiple languages can be defined in [data] section. Note that you need to define at leasttrain_set and val_set datasets in this section for the training and early-stopping to work correctly.

We recommend you to take a look at the provided sampleconfiguration to have an idea about the file format.

Training a Model

We still provide a single, model-agnostic mainloop that handles everything necessary to train, validate and early-stop a model.

Defining a Model

You just need to create a new file under nmtpytorch/models and define aclass by deriving it from nn.Module. The name of this new class will be themodel_type that needs to be written inside your configuration file. The next steps are to:

  • Parse model options passed from the configuration file in __init__()

  • Define layers inside setup(): Each nn.Module object should be assigned as an attribute of the model (i.e. self.encoder = ...) in order for PyTorch to work correctly.

  • Create and store relevant dataset objects in load_data()

  • Define compute_loss() which takes a data iterator and computes the loss over it. This method is used for dev set perplexities.

  • Set aux_loss attribute for an additional loss term.

  • Define forward() which takes a dictionary with keys as data sources and returns the batch training loss. This is the method called from the mainloopduring training.

Feel free to copy the methods from NMT if you do not need to modify some of them.

Provided Models

Currently we only provide a Conditional GRU NMT implementationwith Bahdanau-style attention in decoder.

NOTE: We recommend limiting the number of tokens in the target vocabulary by defining max_trg_len in the [model] section of your configuration file to avoid GPU out of memory errors for very large vocabularies. This is caused by the fact that the gradient computation for a batch with very long sequences occupies a large amount of memory unless the loss layer is implemented differently.





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