

2019-12-23 | |  39 |   0 |   0

HPC Container Maker

HPC Container Maker (HPCCM - pronounced H-P-see-M) is an open source tool to make it easier to generate container specification files.


HPC Container Maker generates Dockerfiles or Singularity definition files from a high level Python recipe.  HPCCM recipes have some distinct advantages over "native" container specification formats.

  1. A library of HPC building blocks that separate the choice of what to include in a container image from the details of how it's done.  The building blocks transparently provide the latest component and container best practices.

  2. Python provides increased flexibility over static container specification formats.  Python-based recipes can branch, validate user input, etc. - the same recipe can generate multiple container specifications.

  3. Generate either Dockerfiles or Singularity definition files from the same recipe.

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