

2019-09-19 | |  76 |   0 |   0

MXNet Implementation of WaveNet

I am trying to reproduce the WaveNet result using MXNet. Here is the training code of generating without any condition, ~~but the training process can't convergence since the mae is always around 126. Hoping someone can raise your advices.~~ The model convergence in fact. The reason of "mae is always around 126" is the mxnet office mae evaluation metric does not match this net config. I have defined a new EvalMetric
Training log

How to Run

  1. Install mxnet and fix the dilate bug according to https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet/issues/3479

  2. Download VCTK cprpus and extract to the root folder

  3. Start training by python train.py

Implementation Note

  • Padding zero on right side by Concat operator since the convolution op of mxnet can't pad only on one side.





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