资源数据集Youtube face 人脸视频数据

Youtube face 人脸视频数据

2019-12-24 | |  135 |   0 |   0

Welcome to YouTube Faces Database, a database of face videos designed for studying the problem of unconstrained face recognition in videos.
The data set contains 3,425 videos of 1,595 different people. All the videos were downloaded from YouTube. An average of 2.15 videos are available for each subject. The shortest clip duration is 48 frames, the longest clip is 6,070 frames, and the average length of a video clip is 181.3 frames.

Number of videos per person:


In designing our video data set and benchmarks we follow the example of the 'Labeled Faces in the Wild' LFW image collection. Specifically, our goal is to produce a large scale collection of videos along with labels indicating the identities of a person appearing in each video.
In addition, we publish benchmark tests, intended to measure the performance of video pair-matching techniques on these videos.
Finally, we provide descriptor encodings for the faces appearing in these videos, using well established descriptor methods.

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