

2019-12-24 | |  43 |   0 |   0

The GFNLink SDK package includes the following

GFNLink Copyright © 2013-2015 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.

See Wiki for more detailed help


Win32 (x86) and x64 GFN.dlls This dll needs to be placed next to your game executable in order to enable communication with the GRID backend.


C (.h) and C++ (.hpp) header files your application will need to include in order to access the GRIDLink API.


GFNLink static library files, built with various build configurations.

  • GFNLinkMD.lib - Uses MultiThreadedDll CRT linkage

  • GFNLinkMT.lib - Uses MultiThreaded CRT linkage


GFNLink props files to include in your application; Adding this will automatically set up include and lib paths.

  • Use GFNLinkSDK.props if you're using MultiThreadedDll CRT linkage

  • Use GFNLinkSDKMT.props if you're using MultiThreaded CRT linkage


Stub files you can add to your application in order to meet the minimal integration requirements. You should fill in these stubs with calls into your application in order to implement the required functionality.

  • Use C Stubs for C style calls

  • Use C++ Stubs for C++ style calls

  • Use .NET Stubs for C#/.NET


  • SampleCApplication - illustrates a minimal C implementation

  • SampleCPPApplication - illustrates a minimal C++ implementation

  • SampleCPPGUIApplication - illustrates a C++ implementation with a GUI interface

  • SampleCSharpApplication - illustrates a minimal C# implementation





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