This code requires the Nvidia CUB sources, which can be downloaded at this address: compile, you'll first need to set the following variables in the Makefile to the root installation paths of each library: CUDA_HOME MPI_HOME CUB_HOME and selecting the right GPU architecture by setting the CUDA_ARCH variable (currently set to sm_35). At this point you can run 'make' to build the 'prbench' binary. Running 'prbench -h' gives you a list of all the option accepted by the program with a brief explanation. An example of run with four processes is: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $> mpirun -np 4 ./prbench -S 21 -E 16 -f Running Pagerank Benchmark with: Scale: 21 (2097152 vertices) Edge factor: 16 (33554432 edges) Number of processes: 4 Rhs vector: random Size of real: 8 Size of integer: 4 Starting from kernel: 0 Number of iterations for kernel 3: 20 Fast mode ON (don't write to disk) Generating graph with: seed: 0 clip'n'flip: yes vertex permutation: yes Kernel 0 (scale=21, edgef=16): gen time: 0.0105 secs TOTAL time: 0.0105 secs (I/O: 0%), 3184.14 Medges/sec Kernel 1 (scale=21, edgef=16): sort time: 0.1521 secs TOTAL time: 0.1521 secs (I/O: 0%), 220.54 Medges/sec Kernel 2 (scale=21, edgef=16): gen time: 0.1410 secs TOTAL time: 0.1410 secs (I/O: 0%), 238.00 Medges/sec Kernel 3 (scale=21, edgef=16, numiter=20, c=0.85, a=7.15256E-08, rhs=RND): gen time: 0.0001 secs comp time: 0.0392 secs min/max d2h: 0.0050/0.0056 secs min/max mpi: 0.0186/0.0194 secs min/max h2d: 0.0051/0.0053 secs min/max spmv: 0.0285/0.0292 secs TOTAL time: 0.0394 secs, 17043.52 Medges/sec, MFLOPS: 34087.0415 PageRank sum: 1.354529E-04 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the list of options accepted by the program prbench [basic options] [advanced options] Basic options: -S <scale> --scale <scale> Specifies the problem scale (2^scale vertices). Default value: 21. -E <edge_factor> --edgef <edge_factor> Specifies the average number of edges per vertex (2^scale*edge_factor total edges). Default value: 16. -i <niter> --iter <niter> Specifies how many iterations of the PageRank algorithm will be performed. Default: 20. -k <kernel> --kstart <kernel> Specifies from the kernel from which the benchmark will start (0, 1 or 2). Input files for the kernel must be present int the current working directory. This option is useful to test a kernels on specific inputs. Default: 0. -r <val> --rhs <val> Specifies the type of r vector to be used for the PageRank algorithm (kernel 3). If this option is not specified the vector will set to normalized random values (as required by the benchmark). Otherwise, type can be either a floating point number of a file name. In the former case all elements of r will be set to "val" while in the latter the values will be read from file "val". Default: random. -c <damp_fact> --cfact <damp_fact> Specifies the damping factor associated with the PageRank algorithm. Default: 0.15. -a <damp_vect> --avect <damp_vect> Specifies the damping vector associated with the PageRank algorithm. Default: [1.0]*(1-damp_fact)/(2^scale). -f --fast Enables fast mode (skips disk I/O operations). Default: false. -h --help Shows this help. Advanced options: -s <seed> --seed <value> Specify the value used to seed the generation of the kronecker graph. Default: 0. --no-krcf Disables clip and flip on the generated graph. Default: enabled. --no-krpm Disables vertex permutation on the generated graph. Default: enabled. -g <file> --graph <file> This option is used to perform the benchmark on a graph read from 'file' rather than on a synthetic one. The file must contain one edge per line represented as a pair of separated numeric strings in the range [0:2^scale]. Edges do not need to be sorted. Please note that this option causes the -s, --krcf and --krpm options to be ignored. Moreover it cannot be used together with -k specifying a kernel greater than 0. Default: disabled.
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