

2019-12-25 | |  30 |   0 |   0


C++ Implementation of Image Super-Resolution using Convolutional Neural Network


SRCNN_Cpp is a C++ Implementation of Image Super-Resolution using SRCNN which is proposed by Chao Dong in 2014.

  • If you want to find the details of SRCNN algorithm, please read the paper:

    Chao Dong, Chen Change Loy, Kaiming He, Xiaoou Tang. Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution, in Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014

  • If you want to download the training code(caffe) or test code(Matlab) for SRCNN, please open your browse and visit http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/projects/SRCNN.html for more details.

  • And thank you very much for Chao's work in SRCNN.


SRCNN_Cpp is released under the GPL v2 License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).


  1. Requirements

  2. Compile

  3. Demo


  1. You need to install OpenCV2+ or OpenCV3+ in your computer.

    OpenCV download site: http://opencv.org/

  2. You also need to install pkg-config.

  3. And we really need g++ which is already installed in almost all Linux systems.

Note: we do not need Caffe in your system!

Our SRCNN_Cpp is developed in fc22 x64_86 system with g++-5.3 and OpenCV 3.0.0.


You can compile the C/C++ files on the command line in your Linux system.

$ ./opencv.sh SRCNN

If the compile is successful, you will see the information below:

  [Compile] Complete -- SRCNN.o has created!
  [Linking] Complete -- SRCNN has created!


You can run the following command to test the demo program.

./srcnn.sh Pictures/butterfly_GT.bmp

And the output images is save in the path: ./Output/

If you want to test your own images, please run the following command:

./srcnn.sh Path_To_Your_Own_Image

Enjoy yourself~





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