

2019-12-25 | |  115 |   0 |   0

Data Description:

In this competition, you are provided with 1.5 years of customers behavior data from Santander bank to predict what new products customers will purchase. The data starts at 2015-01-28 and has monthly records of products a customer has, such as "credit card", "savings account", etc. You will predict what additional products a customer will get in the last month, 2016-06-28, in addition to what they already have at 2016-05-28. These products are the columns named: ind_(xyz)_ult1, which are the columns #25 - #48 in the training data. You will predict what a customer will buy in addition to what they already had at 2016-05-28

The test and train sets are split by time, and public and private leaderboard sets are split randomly.

Please note: This sample does not include any real Santander Spain customers, and thus it is not representative of Spain's customer base. 

File descriptions

  • train.csv - the training set

  • test.csv - the test set

  • sample_submission.csv - a sample submission file in the correct format

Data fields

Column NameDescription
fecha_datoThe table is partitioned for this column
ncodpersCustomer code
ind_empleadoEmployee index: A active, B ex employed, F filial, N not employee, P pasive
pais_residenciaCustomer's Country residence
sexoCustomer's sex
fecha_altaThe date in which the customer became as the first holder of a contract in the bank
ind_nuevoNew customer Index. 1 if the customer registered in the last 6 months.
antiguedadCustomer seniority (in months)
indrel1 (First/Primary), 99 (Primary customer during the month but not at the end of the month)
ult_fec_cli_1tLast date as primary customer (if he isn't at the end of the month)
indrel_1mesCustomer type at the beginning of the month ,1 (First/Primary customer), 2 (co-owner ),P (Potential),3 (former primary), 4(former co-owner)
tiprel_1mesCustomer relation type at the beginning of the month, A (active), I (inactive), P (former customer),R (Potential)
indresiResidence index (S (Yes) or N (No) if the residence country is the same than the bank country)
indextForeigner index (S (Yes) or N (No) if the customer's birth country is different than the bank country)
conyuempSpouse index. 1 if the customer is spouse of an employee
canal_entradachannel used by the customer to join
indfallDeceased index. N/S
tipodomAddres type. 1, primary address
cod_provProvince code (customer's address)
nomprovProvince name
ind_actividad_clienteActivity index (1, active customer; 0, inactive customer)
rentaGross income of the household
segmentosegmentation: 01 - VIP, 02 - Individuals 03 - college graduated
ind_ahor_fin_ult1Saving Account
ind_cco_fin_ult1Current Accounts
ind_cder_fin_ult1Derivada Account
ind_cno_fin_ult1Payroll Account
ind_ctju_fin_ult1Junior Account
ind_ctma_fin_ult1Más particular Account
ind_ctop_fin_ult1particular Account
ind_ctpp_fin_ult1particular Plus Account
ind_deco_fin_ult1Short-term deposits
ind_deme_fin_ult1Medium-term deposits
ind_dela_fin_ult1Long-term deposits
ind_tjcr_fin_ult1Credit Card
ind_viv_fin_ult1Home Account
ind_recibo_ult1Direct Debit





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