

2019-12-25 | |  43 |   0 |   0

AllenNLP Website

The AllenNLP website is for the most part a static website. There is no CMS driving any of the content. However, the site is using html abstraction (in the form of includes) to make it easier to edit and maintain. Includes are not a feature of static html, so this abstraction is being handled via Jekyll.

Since the AllenNLP website is hosted on GitHub Pages, Jekyll was the logical choice, as GitHub supports Jekyll out of the box. More about GitHub Pages and Jekyll

Introduction to Jekyll

From the Jekyll Homepage:

Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator. It takes a template directory containing raw text files in various formats, runs it through a converter (like Markdown) and our Liquid renderer, and spits out a complete, ready-to-publish static website suitable for serving with your favorite web server.

Since GitHub Pages has deep integration with Jekyll, they make it very easy to run Jekyll sites on their servers. You don't need to configure anything or monkey with build processes. GitHub does that all automatically. You simply push your files and GitHub does the rest.

Here's a tutorial video that outlines Jekyll basics and how the system works.

Modifying the Website

In order to make changes to the website you need to checkout the master branch on the allennlp-website repo. The process for making changes is:

  1. Edit file(s) locally

  2. Test changes in browser at localhost

  3. Commit changes and push to master

  4. Test changes in browser at http://www.allennlp.org (usually takes at least 30s to update)

After you've committed your changes, push with the following command:

$ git push

Anatomy of the AllenNLP Jekyll Site (simplified)






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