

2019-09-19 | |  63 |   0 |   0

Tacotron over MXNet

A tech demo of MXNet capabilities consisting of a Tacotron implementation. This is a work in progress.

This project was made during the 8 weeks from 10-2017 to 12-2017 at the PiCampus AI School in Rome.

List of functionalities and TODOs

  • [x] Multithreading data iterator

  • [x] DSP tools

  • [x] CBHG module for spectrograms

  • [x] Basic seq2seq example for string reverse. It we'll be used as Tacotron backbone

  • [ ] Encoder with CBHG

  • [ ] Attention model

  • [ ] Custom decoder for processing r * mel_bands spectrograms frames for each time step during the cell unrolling

  • [ ] Switch to MXNet 1.0

  • [ ] Switch to Gluon

  • [ ] Clean up and organize code for better understanding

Getting Started

  • install MXNet: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • run: python tacotron.py

Using the default setting, a simple dataset will be used as training. Predictions samples will be generated at the end of the training phase.

If you want to train over a big dataset, Kyubyong has cut and formatted this English bible. You can find his dataset here and the CSV text here .


This project has been developed on

  • MXNet 0.12

  • librosa


This project was developed by Alberto Massidda and Stefano Artuso during Pi School's AI programme in Fall 2017.

photo of Alberto Massidda photo of Stefano Artuso


  • Thanks to Roberto Barra Chicote for supporting us

  • Thanks to Keith Ito https://github.com/keithito, Kyubyong Park https://github.com/Kyubyong for making us start diving in


下一篇:Zero-shot Intent CapsNet



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