

2019-12-26 | |  42 |   0 |   0



This repo provides the code for our TIFS paper "Person Specific Face Anti-Spoofing with Subject Domain Adaptation". Different from previous works, we proposed to perform face anti-spoofing in person-specific manner, which means each subject is equipped with a unique classifier for distinguishing genuine and fake face images. Moreover, we considered a challenging case that some subjects' fake face images are not available. Toward such a problem, we proposed a subject domain adaptation algorithm to generate virtual samples for training. The experimental results proves the superiority of person-specific face anti-spoofing method compared with generic face anti-spoofing methods. Also, it is shown the proposed subject domain adaptation algorithm can generate virtual samples to assist the training of person-specific classifiers.



  • libsvm: this open library can be found here.

  • features: the off-the-shelf features extracted for this paper can be downloaded from my Baidu Driver here or Google Driver here

Run the code

Use Replay-Attack dataset as the example. Go to REPLAY-ATTACK folder, and then:

  1. Load Feats and Labels.

    We need load all features and labels for Replay-Attack dataset. Run

    load('Feats_Replay-Attack_tr_fall_soriginal.mat')  % load train set features
    load('Labels_Replay-Attack_tr_fall_soriginal.mat') % load train set labels
    load('Feats_Replay-Attack_dev_fall_soriginal.mat') % load development set features
    load('Labels_Replay-Attack_dev_fall_soriginal.mat') % load development set labels
    load('Feats_Replay-Attack_te_fall_soriginal.mat') % load test set features
    load('Labels_Replay-Attack_te_fall_soriginal.mat') % load test set labels
    load('Feats_Replay-Attack_en_fall_soriginal.mat') % load enrollment set features
    load('Labels_Replay-Attack_en_fall_soriginal.mat') % load enrollment set labels
  2. Estimate Transformation.

    Go to folder Estimate_Transformationn_for_Expe, fund runall.m:

    Feat_Types = [1 3];BLabels = {'ContN' 'AdvN'};for t = 1:length(Feat_Types)    for b = 1:length(BLabels)
            EstimateTransformation_Enroll_Iterative(Feats_enroll_SL, Labels_train_SL, Labels_devel_SL, Labels_test_SL, Labels_enroll_SL, BLabels{b}, Feat_Types(t), 'CS');
            EstimateTransformation_Enroll_Iterative(Feats_enroll_SL, Labels_train_SL, Labels_devel_SL, Labels_test_SL, Labels_enroll_SL, BLabels{b}, Feat_Types(t), 'OLS');
            EstimateTransformation_Enroll_Iterative(Feats_enroll_SL, Labels_train_SL, Labels_devel_SL, Labels_test_SL, Labels_enroll_SL, BLabels{b}, Feat_Types(t), 'PLS');
            EstimateTransformation_Enroll_PCA(Feats_enroll_SL, Labels_train_SL, Labels_devel_SL, Labels_test_SL, Labels_enroll_SL, Feat_Types(t), BLabels{b}, 'PCA');  
            % EstimateTransformation_Enroll_PCA_withSubNum(Feats_enroll_SL, Labels_train_SL, Labels_devel_SL, Labels_test_SL, Labels_enroll_SL, Feat_Types(t), BLabels{b}, 'PCA');

    In this file, we provided all methods to estimate the transformations, including CS, OLS, PLS as stated in the paper. We also provided a PCA-based transformation estimation. To get the transformation, comment the line as you need. Once finished, you will obtain a mat file with prefix "transform_".

  3. Domain Adaptation. After get the estimated transformation, we can perform domain adaptation between subjects. Go to Domain_Adaptation folder, and find runall.m:

    Feat_Types = [1 3];Methods = {'CS' 'OLS' 'PLS' 'PCA'};for t = 1:2    for m = 1:4 % length(Methods)
            TargetDA_AllQualities(Feats_train_SL, Labels_train_SL, Feats_devel_SL, Labels_devel_SL, Feats_test_SL, Labels_test_SL, Feats_enroll_SL, Labels_enroll_SL, Feat_Types(t), Methods{m})        

    Modify the variable Methods accordingly to do domain adaptation for different methods. Afterward, you will find mat files with prefix "SynthFeatures_".

  4. Train Model.

    Congratulate to see you here. You are almost set! Go inside Train_Models folder. You can train generic face anti-spoofing model using runall_gen.m, while person-specific face anti-spoofing model using runall_ps.m. Meanwhile, you can also use runall.m to train models with the number of subjects used for training.

  5. Test Model

    Finally, you may want to evaluate the performance. Go to Test_Models folder, find runall_ps.m and runall_gen.m and run them.


If you find our paper or code is useful in your researches, please consider citing:

  title={Person-specific face antispoofing with subject domain adaptation},
  author={Yang, Jianwei and Lei, Zhen and Yi, Dong and Li, Stan Z},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security},





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