

2019-12-26 | |  35 |   0 |   0


Pair Programming Exercise


Today we're going to be building a disruptive technology that will make the world a better place - a dating site for dogs. It's called OkCorgi.

How it Works

OkCorgi functions similarly to Tinder, but with adorable dog photos instead of 20-somethings and their questionable motives.

  • When you load up the app, a picture of a dog should show up, along with its name and age (and any other info you think is relevant).

  • The user can then "paw left" (to decline) or "paw right" (to like) an individual dog. The "paw left" and "paw right" functions can be implemented clicking on 2 different buttons (meaning the photos don't actually have to be draggable).

  • Once the user either "paws left" or "paws right", the next dog's photo and profile info is loaded up.

  • There should be a link on the page that allows a user to see which dogs they have already liked. When the user clicks the link, the first 10 dogs they have liked should show up (allowing the user to "paginate", or see more dogs they have liked, is part of the Bonus).


Alt tag!

Alt tag!

Alt tag!


OkCorgi is a single-page app powered by a Node server and a Mongo database, meaning whenever possible we want to use AJAX to avoid reloading the page to retrieve data.


  • You do NOT have to build user auth in if you don't want to - that's part of the bonus. If you choose not to use authentication, this will mean that the site will only work for one user.

    • Subquestion: how will this change your ERD's?

  • When someone "paws left" or "paws right", that data should be saved in a Mongo database so the data is persisted.

  • The app should avoid page reloads as much as possible. Getting data for new dogs, and retrieving lists of "liked" dogs, should happen asynchronously.


  • Think of how you will model your relationships (if you have any) in Mongo. Check out these articles and/or this one about how to model relationships in Mongo.

  • Work on small pieces of functionality at a time, as always. MVP!!



  • Add authentication using a Node module like Passport or EveryAuth. If you don't want to store password data yourself, allow users to log in with Twitter or Facebook. Again, think of how this will change your ERDs and how you store data.

  • Allow the user to "paginate" their list of "liked" dogs to see 10 at a time every time they click "more dogs". If the user doesn't have 10 more "liked" dogs, than there should be a message saying so.

  • Instead of clicking on a button to "paw left" or "paw right", allow the user to drag the dog's photo to left or right of the page to indicate their preference.





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