

2019-12-26 | |  33 |   0 |   0

Debian Packaging for libglvnd

This repository contains debian packaging metadata for the libglvnd"GL Vendor-Neutral Dispatch" library by nvidia. The upstream source tarballs are downloaded directly from github and debian source packages are targeted for launchpad as a PPA.

This repository includes my maintainer script which does the following:

  1. Downloads the source tarball

  2. Extracts the source tarball into a working area

  3. Copies the debian directory into the extracted source

  4. Symlinks the distro-specific changelog to debian/changelog

  5. Creates a signed source package with debuild

  6. Creates a binary package with pbuilder

By default it does this for the last three LTS releases: trusty, xenial.

The binary packages aren't used anywhere. They are built as a sanity check prior to uploading to launchpad.


The libglvnd that comes with bionic marks itself in conflict with all the respective mesa packages. I think this is OK for bionic because the packages it is in conflict with aren't the ones that actually hold the libraries, but just the ones providing the symlinks. However in older ubuntus there is no separation of the mesa packages. I work around this by using dpkg-divert to divert the main opengl shared object files to the ones provided by this package. This is under the assumption that if any of these files exist they must be symlinks to somewhere deeper in the tree.

Perform installation test with:

buntstrap -c buntstrap-cfg.py ${PWD}/.out/testroot





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