We present a practical solution for generating 360°stereo panoramic videos using a single camera. Currentapproaches either use a moving camera that captures mul-tiple images of a scene, which are then stitched togetherto form the final panorama, or use multiple cameras thatare synchronized. A moving camera limits the solution tostatic scenes, while multi-camera solutions require dedi-cated calibrated setups. Our approach improves upon theexisting solutions in two significant ways: It solves the problem using a single camera, thus minimizing the calibrationproblem and providing us the ability to convert any digitalcamera into a panoramic stereo capture device. It capturesall the light rays required for stereo panoramas in a singleframe using a compact custom designed mirror, thus making the design practical to manufacture and easier to use. We analyze several properties of the design as well as present panoramic stereo and depth estimation results.