

2019-12-30 | |  41 |   0 |   0


This is the source code repository for the 5-star Open Data advocacy site. The site is a Jekyll-based site, with pages written in HTML and Markdown (specifically Kramdown), with Markdown being used where possible for ease of translating and editing.

Contributing to the site

A great way to contribute to the site is to create an issue on GitHub when you encounter a problem or something. We always appreciate it. You can also edit the code by yourself and create a pull request.

Translating the site

Translating the site is straightforward. If you can't see a version in your language, here is how to do it.

  1. Create a new language folder with the ISO two letter languages code.

  2. Copy all the files of the English version in the en folder to your newly created language folder.

  3. Translate the content with a text editor, or on GitHub.

  4. Create a pull request so that the editors can add it to the site.


  • gh-pages: live site

  • master: original version, for archiving (not used anymore)

All stuff here in the Public Domain (unless otherwise noted), as usual. ;)





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  • spark-corenlp

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  • Keras-ResNeXt

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  • shih-styletransfer

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