

2019-12-30 | |  41 |   0 |   0

GonnaCry Rasomware

Original Repository of the GonnaCry Ransomware.

GonnaCry is a linux ransomware that encrypt all user files with strong encryption scheme.

This project is OpenSource, feel free to use, study and/or send pull request.

Travis branchTravis branchTravis branchTravis branch

Ransomware Impact on industry


How this ransomware encryption scheme works:


How this ransomware works:








This Ransomware musn't be used to harm/threat/hurt other person's computer.

It's purpose is only to share knowledge and awareness about Malware/Cryptography/Operating Systems/Programming.

GonnaCry is a academic ransomware made for learning and awareness about security/cryptography.

Be aware running C/bin/GonnaCry or Python/GonnaCry/main.py Python/GonnaCry/bin/gonnacry in your computer, it may harm.

What's a Ransomware?

A ransomware is a form of malware that prevent legitimate users from accessing their device or data and asks for a payment in exchange for the stolen functionality. They have been used for mass extortion in various forms, but the most successful seem to be encrypting ransomware: most of the user data are encrypted and the key can be retrieved with a payment to the attacker. To be widely successful a ransomware must fulfill three properties:

Property 1: The hostile binary code must not contain any secret (e.g. deciphering keys). At least not in an easily retrievable form, indeed white box cryptography can be applied to ransomware.

Property 2: Only the author of the attack should be able to decrypt the infected device.

Property 3: Decrypting one device can not provide any useful information for other infected devices, in particular the key must not be shared among them.


  • encrypt all user files with AES-256-CBC.

  • Random AES key and IV for each file.

  • Works even without internet connection.

  • Communication with the server to decrypt Client-private-key.

  • encrypt AES key with client-public-key RSA-2048.

  • encrypt client-private-key with RSA-2048 server-public-key.

  • Change computer wallpaper -> Gnome, LXDE, KDE, XFCE.

  • Decryptor that communicate to server to send keys.

  • python webserver

  • Daemon

  • Dropper

  • Kill databases





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