

2019-12-30 | |  105 |   0 |   0

Data Description

This data contains the location and circumstances of every field goal attempted by Kobe Bryant took during his 20-year career. Your task is to predict whether the basket went in (shot_made_flag).

We have removed 5000 of the shot_made_flags (represented as missing values in the csv file). These are the test set shots for which you must submit a prediction. You are provided a sample submission file with the correct shot_ids needed for a valid prediction.

To avoid leakage, your method should only train on events that occurred prior to the shot for which you are predicting! Since this is a playground competition with public answers, it's up to you to abide by this rule.

The field names are self explanatory and contain the following attributes:

  • action_type

  • combined_shot_type

  • game_event_id

  • game_id

  • lat

  • loc_x

  • loc_y

  • lon

  • minutes_remaining

  • period

  • playoffs

  • season 

  • seconds_remaining

  • shot_distance

  • shot_made_flag (this is what you are predicting)

  • shot_type

  • shot_zone_area

  • shot_zone_basic

  • shot_zone_range

  • team_id

  • team_name

  • game_date

  • matchup

  • opponent

  • shot_id

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