

2020-01-02 | |  75 |   0 |   0


SQLFlow is a tool that automates data lineage discovery by analyzing the SQL script. It generates a nice clean diagram to show the dataflow among the table/view and columns in the data warehouse.

Support more than 20 major databases including bigquery, couchbase, dax, db2, greenplum, hana, hive, impala, informix, mdx, mysql, netezza, openedge, oracle, postgresql, redshift, snowflake, sqlserver, sybase, teradata, vertica,

Just paste the SQL script and click a button, you will get the data lineage diagram instantly, highlight the dataflow in the diagram with a simple mouse click.

You can also call the RESTful API provided by this tool in your own program and get the data lineage and diagram model information in a JSON snippet to make further usage.

SQLFlow architecture

SQLFlow components

SQLFlow components


SQLFlow frontend

  1. Send the SQL script received from the browser in JSON to the backend.

  2. After receiving the result which includes the data lineage and diagram model generated by the backend, visualize the diagram model in the browser.

  3. Highlight the dataflow in the diagram when the user clicks on a specific column.

SQLFlow backend

  1. SQLFlow-Analyzer: receiving the SQL script from the frontend and parse the SQL script into parse tree nodes by utilizing the GSP library, then calculate the data lineage by analyzing AST.

    The SQLFlow-Analyzer component is open source and can be executed as a standalone tool. Take SQL text as input and generate data lineage in JSON format. Check SQLFlow.java for more.

  2. FlowLayout:  Calculating the layout of database objects(table/column) in the dlineage and generate the diagram model with all necessary position data, including nodes and edges.FlowLayout depends on doLayout library to layout the database objects.

  3. Return a JSON snippet including the data lineage and diagram model to the frontend.

Use SQLFlow in your flavor ways

  1. Visit gudusoft.com website using browser

    You may paste your SQL script into the SQLFlow web page, or upload the SQL file to the site. select the correct database and then click the visualize button.

  2. Use RESTFul APIs

    SQLFlow provides RESTful API, so your program can communicate with the SQLFlow backend directly. Sending the SQL to SQLFlow backend and receive a JSON snippet including the data lineage and diagram model for further processing in your own program.

    Please put the following authorization code in your request header when calling the RESTful API.

    Authorization: token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJndWVzdFVzZXIiLCJleHAiOjE1ODEyMDY0MDAsImlhdCI6MTU3MzQzMDQwMH0.-lvxaPlXmHbtgSFgW7ycu8KUczRiFZy5A1aNRGY-tKM
  3. Add visualize feature in your own application/website

    The SQLFlow consists of the frontend and backend. You may setup the frontend on you own web server, or include the frontend in your application to add visualize feature.

    Your application still need connect to the SQLFlow backend in order to process the SQL code to get data lineage.

  4. Install both frontend and backend on your own application/server

    Setup both the frontend and backend of SQLFlow on our server. Please check the setup manual.

    In order to setup SQLFlow on your own server, Please contact us (support@gudusoft.com) to obtain a commerical license to get all those distribution files. Please note that the distribution files doesn’t include the source code of the SQLFlow except the FlowAnalyzer which is open source here.

Relations generated by SQLFlow

This article describes the relationship generated by the SQLFlow between column and column, column and table/view. One relation includes one target column and a relationship type and one or more source columns.





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