2020-01-02 | |  53 |   0 |   0


Last edit : 29 July 2019

Recommender system referencing KPRN, original github, trained using custom MovieLens-20M dataset.

The model implemented has slight difference where no pooling layer added at the end of LSTM.

Domain of problems

Given a path between user and an item, predict how likely the user will interact with the item


  • /cache : temporary files used in training

  • /data : contains dataset (custom ml-20m dataset where only movies shows up in Ripple-Net's knowledge graph used) used in training.

  • /log : contains training result stored in single folder named after training timestamp.

  • /test : contains jupyter notebook used in testing the trained models

  • KPRN-LSTM.ipynb : notebook to train model

  • main.py : python3 version of KPRN-LSTM.ipynb


*italic* means this folder is ommited from git, but necessary if you need to run experiments
**bold** means this folder has it's own README, check it for detailed information :)


Installing dependencies

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How to run

  1. Unzip ratings_re.zip and ratings_re.z01 in /data

  2. To preprocess, run Preprocess.ipynb notebook or preprocess.py

    python3 data/preprocess.py
  3. To train, run KPRN-LSTM.ipynb notebook or main.py

    python3 main.py

! Caching warning !

To start using new dataset, or if you wish to generate new dataset, please delete all items inside /cache


How to change hyper parameter

Open KPRN-LSTM.ipynb or main.py and change the model parameters

Testing / Evaluation

How to check training result

  1. Find the training result folder inside /log (find the latest), copy the folder name.

  2. Create copy of latest jupyter notebook inside /test folder.

  3. Rename folder to match a folder in /log (for traceability purpose).

  4. Replace TESTING_CODE at the top of the notebook.

  5. Run the notebook

Final result

KPRN - pool_size = 1 (no pooling)

Evaluation sizePrec@10Distinct@10Unique items
Eval on  10 user0.120280.7000070
Eval on  30 user0.166670.60667182
Eval on 100 user0.174710.38600386

KPRN - pool_size = 3

Evaluation sizePrec@10Distinct@10Unique items
Eval on  10 user0.200000.3200032
Eval on  30 user0.243330.2100063
Eval on 100 user0.258640.13400134

KPRN - pool_size = 5

Evaluation sizePrec@10Distinct@10Unique items
Eval on  10 user0.186670.3100031
Eval on  30 user0.180000.1466744
Eval on 100 user0.234530.0840084


KPRN relies heavily upon paths, and those paths are handcrafted by using the knowledge-graph. The paths are also sampled from hundreds of million possible paths.

  • To find paths

    (user -> seed item (eg: Castle on The Hill) -> entity (eg: Ed Sheeran) -> suggestion (eg: Perfect))

    from each seed, we can extract millions of paths (if not sampled), even after sampled using only one relation (eg: same artist, same albums, etc per seed, it still generates around 8k-10k path per seed.

  • Each user has multiple item work as seed (typically 20+), this need to be sampled again to reduce paths generated and reduce computational cost.

  • We do make sure each item in suggestion has about 4 - 7 paths

  • At this point, we only evaluate on around 75 - 150 path per user, out of possible hundred million possible paths

  • That's a huge possible source of sampling bias, but at the same time, it's kinda impossible to search through all paths.

  • Looking from the result of KPRN, the usage of KG might turn out to be quite promising, especially to improve the diversity of suggestion.

  • The downside of using KPRN is that the result rely heavily on 'handcrafted' paths, which undergoes a lot of downsampling steps.

  • Summary compared to non-KG RecSys: Big improvement in terms of Prec@k and distinct rate


  • Able to incorporate Knowledge Graph as another source of information

  • Able to infer why a user is given such suggestions (based on path scores)

  • Able to adjust between 'exploration and optimization' by applying result pooling (the model doesn't require to be re-trained)

  • During training, the model converge really fast (< 10 epochs)


  • No original implementation usable

  • Relies heavily upon paths, and those paths are 'handcrafted' by using the knowledge-graph and also sampled from hundreds of million possible paths.

  • Huge possible sampling bias introduced from preprocessing step and path generation step.

  • The model remember the user, the model need to be re-trained for every new user and  item addition.

  • Require relatively slow preprocessing

  • Super slow train and prediction time

  • Loss function and metric used in training is not Prec@K, instead it uses accuracy.

Experiment notes

  • At the cost of slightly different implementation, it's easier to implement using high-level libraries such as Keras instead of using original version.

  • path generation & predict time : about 4k path / second

  • different sampling method and sampling parameter has insignificant effect

  • Using more items as path generation 'seed' (for predicting suggestion), should lead to more personalized suggestions. (i.e. consider the suggestion by using more user history)

  • By pooling path prediction-score for the same items, the model should be able to give a better suggestion since it considers multiple reasons instead of just a single reason.







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