

2020-01-02 | |  28 |   0 |   0

Contrail-Netronome Architecture


Lab Setup

lab setup


  • Atleast TWO nodes: One Controller + One Compute

  • Ubuntu 14.04.4 (3.13.0-100 Errata 47 patched kernel)

  • Contrail-Cloud (OpenStack Kilo/Mitaka)

  • Agilio vRouter

Netronome SmartNic Install Guide (Fresh Install)

NOTE: This guide assumes that you have already inserted the Netronome NIC on the server. For a list of supported servers, refer this document

On all nodes

  • Install Ubuntu 14.04.4 on all the nodes in the setup

  • Download & install Contrail packages on the nodes

       (all-nodes)# dpkg -i contrail-install-packages_3.1.2.0-65~mitaka_all.deb
       (all-nodes)# /opt/contrail/contrail_packages/setup.sh
       (all-nodes)# apt-get update
  • Download Netronome (Agilio vRouter) package & copy to all nodes

       (all-nodes)# tar -xvf ns-agilio-vrouter-release_3.1.0.0-124.tgz 
       (all-nodes)# cd ns-agilio-vrouter-release_3.1.0.0-124/
       (all-nodes)# cp ns-agilio-vrouter-depends-packages_3.1.0.0-124_amd64.deb /opt/contrail/contrail_install_repo/
       (all-nodes)# cd /opt/contrail/contrail_install_repo/
       (all-nodes)# dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz
       (all-nodes)# apt-get update

On Controller node

  • Populate testbed with relevant information

       (controller-node)# vim /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/testbed.py
                bond= {
                    compute1 : { 'name': 'bond0', 'member': ['nfp_p0','nfp_p1','nfp_p2','nfp_p3'], 'mode': '802.3ad',    
                              'xmit_hash_policy': 'layer3+4' },
                    compute2 : { 'name': 'bond0', 'member': ['nfp_p0','nfp_p1','nfp_p2','nfp_p3'], 'mode': '802.3ad',    
                              'xmit_hash_policy': 'layer3+4' },
                control_data = {
                    controller : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device': 'eth1' },
                    compute1 : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device': 'bond0' },
                    compute2 : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device': 'bond0' },
                env.ns_agilio_vrouter = {
                    compute1: {'huge_page_alloc': '24G', 'huge_page_size': '1G', 'coremask': '2,4', 'pinning_mode': 
                    compute2: {'huge_page_alloc': '24G', 'huge_page_size': '1G', 'coremask': '2,4', 'pinning_mode': 

    Click for example files

  • Bring up the Netronome SmartNIC

       (controller-node)# cd /opt/contrail/utils/
       (controller-node)# fab install_ns_agilio_nic
       (controller-node)# reboot
       (controller-node)# fab install_ns_agilio_nic

    NOTE: You might hit an error for python-dev package not being found on the target node.

       (target-node)# aptitude install python-dev

    Select NO for the first prompt & YES for the second. Re-run fab install_ns_agilio_nic

       (controller-node)# fab install_ns_agilio_nic
  • Change the media configuration of the SmartNIC if you are using breakout cables (4 x 10GbE ---> 1 X 40GbE)

       This should create four NFP interfaces: nfp_p0, nfp_p1, nfp_p2, nfp_p3
       (compute-node)# /opt/netronome/bin/nfp-media --set-media=phy0=4x10G
       (compute-node)# service ns-core-nic.autorun clean
       (compute-node)# reboot
  • Install Contrail

       (controller-node)# cd /opt/contrail/utils
       (controller-node)# fab install_contrail

    NOTE: You might hit an error for default-jre-headless package not being found on the target node.

       (target-node)# aptitude install default-jre-headless

    Select NO for the first prompt & YES for the second. Re-run fab install_contrail

       (controller-node)# fab setup_interface (Verify if all nodes can talk with each other on Control/Data interface)
       (controller-node)# fab setup_all

On Netronome compute node

  • Verify if provisioning was successfully

       (compute-nodes)# contrail-status
       (compute-nodes)# /opt/netronome/libexec/nfp-vrouter-status -r


  • Create VirtIO flavors

    NOTE: Do this only once

       (compute-node)# cd /ns-agilio-vrouter-release_3.1.0.0-124/ns-agilio-vrouter_3.1.0.0-124/opt/netronome/openstack
       (compute-node)# ./make_virtio_flavors.sh <controller-ip-address>

Netronome SmartNic Install Guide (Existing Setup)

NOTE: This guide assumes that you have already inserted the Netronome NIC on the server. For a list of supported servers, refer this document

On the new Netronome compute node

  • Install the required Linux Kernel

      (compute-node)# apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-100-generic 
      (compute-node)# apt-get install linux-headers-3.13.0-100-generic 
      (compute-node)# apt-get install linux-image-extra-3.13.0-100-generic 
      (compute-node)# apt-get install linux-image-generic 
      (compute-node)# apt-get install linux-generic

    In /etc/default/grub, ensure

      GRUB_DEFAULT='1>Ubuntu, with Linux 3.13.0-100-generic'
      GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="intel_iommu=on iommu=pt intremap=on"
      (compute-node)# update-grub
      (compute-node)# reboot
  • Install NFP dependencies

      (compute-node)# apt-get install dkms libftdi1 libjansson4
  • Download Netronome (Agilio vRouter) package

      (compute-node)# tar -xvf ns-agilio-vrouter-release_3.1.0.0-124.tgz 
      (compute-node)# cd ns-agilio-vrouter-release_3.1.0.0-124/
  • Install NFP packages

      (compute-node)# dpkg -i nfp-bsp-6000-b0*
      (compute-node)# ldconfig
  • Flash the SmartNIC

      (compute-node)# /opt/netronome/bin/nfp-flash -P --i-accept-the-risk-of-overwriting-miniloader -w /opt/netronome/flash/flash-nic.bin 
      (compute-node)# /opt/netronome/bin/nfp-one
      (compute-node)# reboot
  • Install Core NIC packages

      (compute-node)# cd ns-agilio-vrouter-release_3.1.0.0-124/
      (compute-node)# dpkg -i ns-agilio-core-nic*.deb
  • Change the media configuration of the SmartNIC if you are using breakout cables (4 x 10GbE ---> 1 X 40GbE)

       This should create four NFP interfaces: nfp_p0, nfp_p1, nfp_p2, nfp_p3
       (compute-node)# /opt/netronome/bin/nfp-media --set-media=phy0=4x10G
       (compute-node)# service ns-core-nic.autorun clean
       (compute-node)# reboot
  • Populate testbed with the new compute's information

       (controller-node)# vim /opt/contrail/utils/fabfile/testbeds/testbed.py
                bond= {
                    compute3 : { 'name': 'bond0', 'member': ['nfp_p0','nfp_p1','nfp_p2','nfp_p3'], 'mode': '802.3ad',    
                              'xmit_hash_policy': 'layer3+4' }
                control_data = {
                    controller : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device': 'eth1' },
                    compute3 : { 'ip': '', 'gw' : '', 'device': 'bond0' }
                env.ns_agilio_vrouter = {
                    compute3: {'huge_page_alloc': '24G', 'huge_page_size': '1G', 'coremask': '2,4', 'pinning_mode': 

    Click for example files

  • Install Contrail

       (controller-node)# cd /opt/contrail/utils
       (controller-node)# fab install_pkg_node:/tmp/contrail-install-packages*.deb,root@<new-compute-ip>
       (controller-node)# ssh root@<new-compute-ip> "cd /opt/contrail/contrail_packages; ./setup.sh"
       (controller-node)# scp /tmp/ns-agilio-vrouter-depends-packages*.deb root@:<new-compute-ip>:/opt/contrail/contrail_install_repo/
       (controller-node)# fab install_pkg_node:/tmp/ns-agilio-vrouter-depends-packages*.deb,root@<new-compute-ip>
       (controller-node)# ssh root@<new-compute-ip> "cd /opt/contrail/contrail_packages_ns_agilio_vrouter; ./setup.sh"
       (controller-node)# ssh root@<new-compute-ip> "cd /opt/contrail/contrail_install_repo; dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz; apt-get update"
       (controller-node)# fab add_vrouter_node:root@<new-compute-ip>





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