

2020-01-06 | |  39 |   0 |   0

Personal Site, a Work in Progress: May 2018

This Site is a Representation of Where My Skill Level was When I First Began to Develop Websites

  • This is a website built in December of 2017 during a six month web development immersive program. This was the very first website I created. Instead of cleaning up the code and content, I decided to leave it as is, so one can follow the progression of my work over the last six months.

  • Built with HTML and CSS and deployed with Surge, you may view this site at: <erratic-lip.surge.sh>

  • To host this site locally, one may clone the repository and run lite-server or live-server from the terminal.





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    Keras ResNeXt Implementation of ResNeXt models...

  • seetafaceJNI

    项目介绍 基于中科院seetaface2进行封装的JAVA...

  • spark-corenlp

    This package wraps Stanford CoreNLP annotators ...

  • capsnet-with-caps...

    CapsNet with capsule-wise convolution Project ...

  • inferno-boilerplate

    This is a very basic boilerplate example for pe...