

2020-01-07 | |  57 |   0 |   0


Mushroom Minions is a game where you are in control of a hero. Your hero is tasked to defend the land against an assortment of creatures ranging from semi-evil blobs of mud to amphibious, cape-wearing adversaries. Your tools include your trusty towers and your hero-specific abilities.

You can choose from up to 3 different heroes, each with unique playing styles from your typical warrior to mages and assassins. Heroes gain experience over time and your hero’s abilities can be improved as you gain more experience. In addition, your towers can be upgraded in a number of ways including its accuracy, damage, and chance to critically hit enemies.

Featured on Ray Wenderlich's website: http://www.raywenderlich.com/16667/readers-app-reviews-july-2012

Link to the App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mushroom-minions/id531581046





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