

2020-01-10 | |  41 |   0 |   0


Was in need of a feature library that would work easily enough with ZF2, thankfully the guys over at Zumba madeSwivel and all that left me to do was whip up a ZF2 module!


  1. Grab it via composer:

composer require mrferos/mrf-swivel
  1. Copy the configuration file:

cp vendor/mrferos/MrfSwivel/config/swivel.config.php.dist config/autoload/swivel.config.php
  1. Add your features!

Getting the Swivel Manager

Via the Service Locator

$swivel = $serviceLocator->get('MrfSwivelSwivel');

Via setter injection

In the class you're interested in using it, implement the interface MrfSwivelServiceSwivelAwareInterface which will enforce the need for the setSwivel and getSwivel methods. For convenience I've include a trait with both methods MrfSwivelServiceSwivelAwareInterfaceTrait

Setting your user to a specific bucket

If you want to set the user to a specific bucket, in your module bootstrap do the following:

$swivelConfig = $serviceLocator->get('MrfSwivelSwivelConfig');$swivelConfig->setBucketIndex(3); // Can be from session/cookie/etc!

Just be sure to place this before anything that might call Swivel, once the Manager has been pulled the user's bucket will be set (in lieu or a set bucket, one shall be randomly assigned).





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