

2020-01-13 | |  38 |   0 |   0

Siamese-RPN   (PyTorch Implementation)

This is my implementation for Siamese Region Proposal Network with PyTorch.

Python version: 3.6 (3.5 or 3.4 may be also okay even though I did not try)

PyTorch version: 0.4.0 or higher

NOTE: This project has been polishing. I will add some useful comments in the near future. You can click "Watch","Star", or "Fork" if you feel helpful with my work, thanks to your support!

Paper: @InProceedings{Li_2018_CVPR,

author = {Li, Bo and Yan, Junjie and Wu, Wei and Zhu, Zheng and Hu, Xiaolin},

title = {High Performance Visual Tracking With Siamese Region Proposal Network},

booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},

month = {June},

year = {2018}






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