

2020-01-17 | |  32 |   0 |   0

EWC validator node install scripts

EWC and Volta affiliate validator node installation scripts.

Keep a scratch file ready to collect outputs in - You'll need them


See our Atlassian wiki for installation instructions

Shared secrets

The following files contain secrets that are used on the validators:

  • .secret => Contains the password for the ethereum private key Is accessed by parity and nodecontrol to send transactions to the chain

  • .env => Contains the individual second channel password in the SFTP_PASS variable. Used by nodecontrol

  • files in signer-data/ used by the signer to store the signers encrypted private RSA key for signing telemetry packets.

The following values are considered as public keys in .env:

  • VALIDATOR_ADDRESS => Ethereum address of the validator account. Used by signer and nodecontrol for identification.

  • TELEMETRY_INGRESS_FINGERPRINT => SHA256 fingerprint of the Ingress TLS certificate. Ingress presented cert needs to verify against the fingerprint.

  • SFTP_FINGER_PRINT => Fingerprint of the SSH hostkey when connecting to the second channel.

Files created by the installation scripts

├── docker-stack
│   ├── .env [Configurations used by docker-compose.yml]
│   ├── chain-data [Parity data directory]
│   │   ├── cache
│   │   ├── chains
│   │   │   ├── ver.lock
│   │   │   └── Volta [Blockchainb DB]
│   │   │       .
│   │   ├── keys
│   │   │   └── Volta
│   │   │       ├── address_book.json
│   │   │       └── UTC--2019-04-03T10-11-45Z--4d496ffe-8b48-e2a1-881f-351f03ae5539 [Validator signing key (not on bootnode)]
│   │   ├── network
│   │   │   └── key
│   │   └── signer
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── chainspec.json 
│   │   ├── parity-non-signing.toml [Parity configuration when signing disabled by nodecontrol]
│   │   ├── parity-signing.toml [Parity configuration when signing enabled by nodecontrol (default)]
│   │   └── peers
│   ├── curcron
│   ├── docker-compose.yml [Describes the compose stack]
│   └── signer-data
│       ├── signing.key [Encrypted RSA private key of the signer]
│       └── signing.salt [Salt used to decrypt the RSA key on signer start]
└── install-validator.sh [Script to install a validator - can be removed after bootstrap]

Other files:

  • /var/run/influxdb.sock -> Named pipe for telegraf to write telemetry to and signer to read from.

  • /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf -> Telegraf collection settings





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