

2020-02-04 | |  53 |   0 |   0

mix test.watch

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Automatically run your Elixir project's tests each time you save a file. Because TDD is awesome.


Add it to your dependencies:

# mix.exs (Elixir 1.4)def deps do
  [{:mix_test_watch, "~> 1.0", only: :dev, runtime: false}]end
# mix.exs (Elixir 1.3 and earlier)def deps do
  [{:mix_test_watch, "~> 1.0", only: :dev}]end

Run the mix task

mix test.watch

Start hacking :)

Running Additional Mix Tasks

Through the mix config it is possible to run other mix tasks as well as the test task. For example, if I wished to run the Dogma code style linter after my tests I would do so like this.

# config/config.exsuse Mix.Configif Mix.env == :dev do
  config :mix_test_watch,    tasks: [      "test",      "dogma",

Tasks are run in the order they appear in the list, and the progression will stop if any command returns a non-zero exit code.

All tasks are run with MIX_ENV set to test.

Passing Arguments To Tasks

Any command line arguments passed to the test.watch task will be passed through to the tasks being run. If I only want to run the tests from one file every time I save a file I could do so with this command:

mix test.watch test/file/to_test.exs

Note that if you have configured more than one task to be run these arguments will be passed to all the tasks run, not just the test command.

Running tests of modules that changed

Elixir 1.3 introduced --stale option that will run only those test files which reference modules that have changed since the last run. You can pass it to test.watch:

mix test.watch --stale

Clearing The Console Before Each Run

If you want mix test.watch to clear the console before each run, you can enable this option in your config/dev.exs as follows:

# config/config.exsuse Mix.Configif Mix.env == :dev do
  config :mix_test_watch,    clear: trueend

Excluding files or directories

To ignore changes from specific files or directories just add exclude: regexp patterns to your config in mix.exs:

# config/config.exsuse Mix.Configif Mix.env == :dev do
  config :mix_test_watch,    exclude: [~r/db_migration/.*/,              ~r/useless_.*.exs/]end

The default is exclude: [~r/.#/, ~r{priv/repo/migrations}].

Compatibility Notes

On Linux you may need to install inotify-tools.

Desktop Notifications

You can enable desktop notifications with ex_unit_notifier.


mix test.watch
Copyright © 2015-present Louis Pilfold

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The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
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