

2020-02-07 | |  40 |   0 |   0

Note: This project is not maintained anymore. Mobilenet implementation is already included in Keras Applications folder. Mobilenet

Keras MobileNet

Google MobileNet Implementation using Keras Framework 2.0

Project Summary

  • This project is just the implementation of paper from scratch. I don't have the pretrained weights or GPU's to train :)

  • Separable Convolution is already implemented in both Keras and TF but, there is no BN support after Depthwise layers (Still investigating).

  • Custom Depthwise Layer is just implemented by changing the source code of Separable Convolution from Keras. Keras: Separable Convolution

  • There is probably a typo in Table 1 at the last "Conv dw" layer stride should be 1 according to input sizes.

  • Couldn't find any information about the usage of biases at layers (not used as default).


  •  Add Custom Depthwise Convolution

  •  Add BN + RELU layers

  •  Check layer shapes

  •  Test Custom Depthwise Convolution

  •  Benchmark training and feedforward pass with both CPU and GPU

  •  Compare with SqueezeNet

Library Versions

  • Keras v2.0+

  • Tensorflow 1.0+ (not supporting Theano for now)


  1. Keras Framework

  2. Google MobileNet Paper


MIT License

Note: If you find this project useful, please include reference link in your work.





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