

2020-02-10 | |  36 |   0 |   0

Retraining TensorFlow Binary Image Classifier Using MP4 Video

Ah machine learning. Much fun when it works, a nightmare when it does not. Half of the problem is finding enough training material for your classifiers. I figured a great way to do this is to use video as in input source. This script will convert all MP4 videos in a zip archive to JPG frames at a desired FPS with unique names.

It will then retrain the top layers of a binary image classifier using TensorFlow using these extracted images allowing you to then recognize the object of your desire. About 5 to 10 mins of video shot on your smartphone should do the trick (5 mins with object in, 5 mins without object). You should aim to get video of the object in the environments you wish to classify it in later, with different lighting condtions, rotations, distances etc. If you are holding the object make sure to take video with and without your hand otherwise it may learn your hand as the object!

Hopefully this will make using Machine Learning a little bit easier for us all, so we can concentrate on actually doing what we want to do (in this case recognizing custom objects), rather than spending months just trying to get the environment working :-)

By Jason Mayes - www.jasonmayes.com - let me know how you use it!

Requirements and dependencies

  1. Assumes max frames output per video is no more than 999999.

  2. Assumes you have already installed TensorFlow. See https://github.com/jasonmayes/Tensor-Flow-on-Google-Compute-Engine if not for my super fast getting started script.

  3. Depends on same deps as https://github.com/jasonmayes/MP4-video-to-JPG-batch-converter as it makes use of this code. Namely this is FFMPEG.


Please change the location of the TensorFlow install on line 51: TENSOR_FLOW_PATH to where you installed TensorFlow to on your system.

IMPORTANT: Zip file must consist of folders of videos only. These folders must not be inside any parent folder. For example:

This is a valid zip structure as all mp4s are only 1 level deep:
-- object/
------ videoOfObject.mp4
------ videoOfObject2.mp4
-- Not Object/
------ videoOfEnvironment.mp4
------ videoOfEnvironment2.mp4

However the following structure IS NOT VALID:
-- some top level folder                             <-- This is not allowed.
------ object/
------------ videoOfObject.mp4
------------ videoOfObject2.mp4
------ Not Object/
------------ videoOfEnvironment.mp4
------------ videoOfEnvironment2.mp4

Usage Example 1

Create 5 images every second of video (ie every 200ms)

script.sh 001_Unique_ID /home/user/zipFile.zip 5

Usage Example 2

Optionally pass scale as 4th parameter.

script.sh 001_Unique_ID /home/user/zipFile.zip 5 320:-1

In this case it would resize the width to be 320px and keep aspect ratio for height.


Once complete your classifier files will be available for usage in:


Where "unique_id" is the unique ID you specified when calling the script.





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