资源算法CNN Models for Salient Object Subitizing.

CNN Models for Salient Object Subitizing.

2019-09-20 | |  136 |   0 |   0

CNN subitizing models described in the following papers (project page):

Salient Object Subitizing
J. Zhang, S. Ma, M. Sameki, S. Sclaroff, M. Betke, Z. Lin, X. Shen, B. Price and R. Mech.
CVPR, 2015.

Salient Object Subitizing
J. Zhang, S. Ma, M. Sameki, S. Sclaroff, M. Betke, Z. Lin, X. Shen, B. Price and R. Mech.
arXiv, 2016.

GoogleNet: CNN model finetuned on the Extended Salient Object Subitizing dataset (~11K images) and synthetic images. This model significantly improves over our previous models. Recommended.
AlexNet: CNN model finetuned on our initial Salient Object Subitizing dataset (~5500 images). The architecture is the same as the Caffe reference network.
VGG16: CNN model finetuned on our initial Salient Object Subitizing dataset (~5500 images).


上一篇:CaffeNet fine-tuned for Oxford flowers dataset

下一篇:Places_CNDS_models on Scene Recognition



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