资源算法Pascal VOC 2012 Multilabel Classification Model

Pascal VOC 2012 Multilabel Classification Model

2019-09-20 | |  45 |   0 |   0

This model has been used for the paper "Analyzing Classifiers: Fisher Vectors and Deep Neural Networks" (http://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2016/papers/Bach_Analyzing_Classifiers_Fisher_CVPR_2016_paper.pdf), published in the proceedings of CVPR 2016.
Kindly note, that it has been trained in a multilabel setting with a multilabel-compatible loss function. It should not be used in conjunction with a softmax layer
In particular $f_{i}(x)>0$ denotes presence of class i and multiple classes can be predicted in one image.

Downloading the Model: caffemodel prototxt

Please reference the above submission when using the model via

title={Analyzing classifiers: Fisher vectors and deep neural networks},
author={Lapuschkin, S. and Binder, A. and Montavon, G. and M{"u}ller, K.-R. and Samek, W.},


上一篇:Sequence to Sequence - Video to Text




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