

2020-02-12 | |  37 |   0 |   0

Distributed .NET Core


What is Distributed .NET Core?

It's an open source project (and a course available soon at devmentors.io), providing in-depth knowledge about building microservices using .NET Core framework and variety of tools. One of the goals, was to create a cloud agnostic solution, that you shall be able to run anywhere.

We encourage you to join our Discourse forum available at forum.devmentors.io.

For this particular course, please have a look at the topics being discussed under this category.

What is DShop.Common?

DShop.Common is a shared library, containing infrastructural code and cross-cutting concerns for DShop solution.

BranchBuild status
mastermaster branch build status
developdevelop branch build status

How to install the package?

For now, DShop.Common is available under a custom MyGet feed, thus, whenever you execute e.g. dotnet restore/build/run/publish/test command, provide the --source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json --source https://www.myget.org/F/dnc-dshop/api/v3/index.json arguments for -c Release builds.

You can also clone the repository locally into the same root directory amongst other DShop repositories, and it will be restored from your disk while building in the default Debug mode.





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