资源算法Pose-Aware CNN Models (PAMs) for Face Recognition

Pose-Aware CNN Models (PAMs) for Face Recognition

2019-09-20 | |  70 |   0 |   0

We provide the following:
- pretrained CNN models of our CVPR'16 paper for pose-aware face recognition in the wild
IJB-A yaw estimates from our pose estimation module

_(your informations are required to proceed to the download page in the link below)_

latex<br/>@INPROCEEDINGS{masi2016cvpr, <br/> author={Iacopo Masi and Stephen Rawls and G{'e}rard Medioni and Prem Natarajan}, <br/> booktitle={CVPR}, <br/> title={Pose-{A}ware {F}ace {R}ecognition in the {W}ild}, <br/> year={2016}<br/> }<br/>



上一篇:Mulimodal Compact Bilinear Pooling for VQA

下一篇:Learning Structured Sparsity in Deep Neural Networks



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