

2020-02-13 | |  46 |   0 |   0

Information Extraction with Reinforcement Learning


You will need to install Torch and the python packages in requirements.txt.

You will also need to install the Lua dev library liblua (sudo apt-get install liblua5.2) and the signal package for Torch to deal with SIGPIPE issues in Linux. (You may need to uninstall the signal-fft package or rename it to avoid conflicts.)

Data Preparation

Create the vectorizers (using a pre-trained model), for example:
python vec_consolidate.py dloads/Shooter/train.extra 5 trained_model2.p consolidated/vec_train.5.p
python vec_consolidate.py dloads/Shooter/dev.extra 5 trained_model2.p consolidated/vec_dev.5.p

Consolidate the articles, for example:
python consolidate.py dloads/Shooter/train.extra 5 trained_model2.p consolidated/train+context.5.p consolidated/vec_train.5.p
python consolidate.py dloads/Shooter/dev.extra 5 trained_model2.p consolidated/dev+context.5.p consolidated/vec_dev.5.p

Make sure you use the correct vec_xyz.p file as input to the consolidate.py script. You can also find pre-consolidated files in pickle format here: link

Running the code

  • Change to the code directory: cd code/

  • First run the server, for example:
    python server.py --port 7000 --trainEntities consolidated/train+context.5.p --testEntities consolidated/dev+context.5.p --outFile outputs/run.out --modelFile trained_model2.p --entity 4 --aggregate always --shooterLenientEval True --delayedReward False --contextType 2

  • In a separate terminal/tab, change to the agent code directory: cd code/dqn/

  • Then run the agent:
    ./run_cpu 7000 logs/tmp/
    Make sure the port numbers for the server and agent match up.






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