

2020-02-18 | |  35 |   0 |   0

Implementation of Nested Named Entity Recognition

Some files are part of NeuroNLP2.


We tested this library with the following libraries:

Running experiments

Testing this library with a sample data

  1. Run the gen_data.py to generate the processed data files for training, and they will be placed at the "./data/" directory

    python gen_data.py
  2. Run the train.py to start training

    python train.py

Reproducing our experiment on the ACE-2004 dataset

  1. Put the corpus ACE-2004 into the "../ACE2004/" directory

  2. Put this .tgz file into the "../" and extract it

  3. Run the parse_ace2004.py to extract sentences for training, and they will be placed at the "./data/ace2004/"

    python parse_ace2004.py
  4. Run the gen_data_for_ace2004.py to prepare the processed data files for training, and they will be placed at the "./data/" directory

    python gen_data_for_ace2004.py
  5. Run the train.py to start training

    python train.py

Reproducing our experiment on the ACE-2005 dataset

  1. Put the corpus ACE-2005 into the "../ACE2005/" directory

  2. Put this .tgz file into the "../" and extract it

  3. Run the parse_ace2005.py to extract sentences for training, and they will be placed at the "./data/ace2005/"

    python parse_ace2005.py
  4. Run the gen_data_for_ace2005.py to prepare the processed data files for training, and they will be placed at the "./data/" directory

    python gen_data_for_ace2005.py
  5. Run the train.py to start training

    python train.py

Reproducing our experiment on the GENIA dataset

  1. Put the corpus GENIA into the "../GENIA/" directory

  2. Run the parse_genia.py to extract sentences for training, and they will be placed at the "./data/genia/"

    python parse_genia.py
  3. Run the gen_data_for_genia.py to prepare the processed data files for training, and they will be placed at the "./data/" directory

    python gen_data_for_genia.py
  4. Run the train.py to start training

    python train.py


Configurations of the model and training are in config.py


Please cite our arXiv paper:

  title={Nested Named Entity Recognition via Second-best Sequence Learning and Decoding},
  author={Shibuya, Takashi and Hovy, Eduard},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.02250},





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