

2020-02-20 | |  54 |   0 |   0


This repo contains:

  • a Dockerfile and docker-compose file to run a Yellowfin instance locally.

  • a sbt project to run a client using Yellowfin Web Services API to talk to a Yellowfin instance.


  • Docker and docker-compose to spin up a local Yellowfin instance.

  • scala, sbt, and optionally IntelliJ to work with the sbt project.

How to run a local Yellowfin Instance

  • download a Yellowfin installation jar and place it inside yellowfin folder. For YF version look at https://analytics-nightly.comprehend.com/info.jsp for "Current Code Version:" property.

  • edit .env and update YELLOWFIN_VERSION to match the Yellowfin version of the installation jar.

  • run docker-compose up -d.

  • wait about 5 minutes, then you can begin using your local Yellowfin instance by visiting http://localhost:7900 in a web browser (login page will open in 5-10 seconds).

  • Login by open admin credentials, register your YF by license key (lic file) from Engineering hub.

How to run Yellowfin Web Services client

  • import the sbt project into IntelliJ.

  • update src/main/resources/application.conf to point the client at a running instance of Yellowfin.

  • update src/main/scala-2.12/com/comprehend/yfws_client/Main.scala to do something useful.

  • run com.comprehend.yfws_client.Main as the main object.


  • Yellowfin container will install Yellowfin in the container if Yellowfin is not already installed; this usually takes about 2-3 minutes.

  • uses an unsecured Postgres for persistence and the DB is not backed by disk. So if you have deleted the Postgres container, then you should probably delete yellowfin_installation folder as well to force re-installation on next launch.

  • mounts the entire Yellowfin app installation on host at yellowfin_installation.

  • Yellowfin will be listening on port 7900 on the host by default; this can be changed by editing YELLOWFIN_EXTERNAL_PORT in .env.

  • Postgres will be listening on port 7800 on the host by default; this can be changed by editing POSTGRES_EXTERNAL_PORT in .env.

  • Logs are stored at yellowfin_installation/appserver/logs/ folder in repo. Inside docker container there are not logs.


下一篇: yellowfin-docker



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