

2020-02-20 | |  36 |   0 |   0


Implementation for QANet using Keras with Tensorflow backend.

Preparation (QANet implementation)

Setting variables are defined in src/squad/config.py

  1. Preparation

    • Install Python packages in requirements.txt

    • Install English corpus for Spacy: python -m spacy download en

  2. Download glove and extract the file glove.6B.300d.txt to data/glove (Setting variable: EMBEDDING_FILE)

  3. Download SQuAD data v1.1 and extract the files train-v1.1.json & dev-v1.1.json to data/SQUAD_Data/v1.1 (Setting variable: TRAIN_JSON & DEV_JSON)

For inference using pre-trained model

  • Download the model file qanet_ep20.h5 from https://github.com/nptdat/qanet/releases/download/v1.0/qanet_ep20.h5 and put it into model folder. (Setting variable: INFERENCE_MODEL_PATH)

  • If you use the above model, I recommend you to download the following files from https://github.com/nptdat/qanet/releases/download/v1.0 to ensure the data consistence:

    • squad_processed-v1.1.pkl.zip: unzip and move the pickle file to data/SQUAD_Data/v1.1/

    • numpy_files.zip: unzip and move all the .npy files to data/SQUAD_Data/v1.1/numpy/

    • Data from these files will overwrite those generated from build_squad_data.py

  • Run

$ FLASK_APP=demo_qanet.py flask run --host= --port=8080

Then access http://localhost:8080/qanet via browser.

For training

  1. Run build_squad_data.py to load SQuAD data from json files, transform the data and save to .pkl files

$ python build_squad_data.py
  1. Run train.py

$ python train.py
  • Model files will be saved to model folder, 1 model per epoch

  • Tensorboard log data will be saved to log/tensorboard

  • Please take a look at config.py for further setting

Unit Test

Please read src/squad/test/README.md





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