

2020-02-24 | |  47 |   0 |   0

DrQA - Virtual Receptionist Server

Server used to provide answers to questions posted by the Virtual Receptionist project.


  • Docker

  • Over 50GB of storage space (maybe more, unsure)

  • At least 15GB of RAM free (I know right)

How to setup:

  • Pull the docker image using the command: docker pull zacbran/drqa

  • Run the image using the command: docker run -p 80:80/tcp -p 80:80/udp -it zacbran/drqa:latest

  • When loaded, change directory to DrQA

  • Use the command tar -xvf data.tar.gz to extract the dataset

  • When done you can delete data.tar.gzto save some space

  • Next we need surround, so clone: git clone https://github.com/dstil/surround.git and run the script inside the surround folder: python3.5 setup.py install

  • Next clone this repository into the DrQA folder: git clone https://github.com/zacbran/drqa-server.git

  • Now you can start the server using the command: python3.5 -m drqa-server.drqa_surround -c drqa-server/drqa_surround/config.yaml

  • NOTE: It is important the script is run from the DrQA folder, not the drqa-server folder





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