

2020-02-25 | |  34 |   0 |   0

Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning on Omniglot, miniImageNet, and CIFAR-FS

This repo extends the original MAML code (linkICML 2017 paper) [1] with CIFAR-FS (CIFAR few shot) classification based on the splits in Luca et al. [2]. It includes code for running the few-shot supervised learning domain experiments, including sinusoid regression, Omniglot classification, MiniImagenet classification, and the newly added CIFAR-FS classification.

For the experiments in the RL domain, see this codebase.

A report detailing the implementation details and reproducibility can be found here.


This code requires the following:

  • python 2.* or python 3.*

  • TensorFlow v1.0+

These results were achieved using TensorFlow-gpu 1.8.0, CUDA 9.0 and cudnn 7.


For the Omniglot, MiniImagenet and CIFAR-FS data, see the usage instructions in data/omniglot_resized/resize_images.py and data/miniImagenet/proc_images.py and data/CIFARFS/get_cifarfs.py respectively.


To run the code, see the usage instructions at the top of main.py.


After 60,000 iterations, with a 95% confidence interval, and 10 finetune steps:

Dataset, methodthis code
reported by
MAML [1] & R2D2 [2]
CIFAR-FS, MAML 5-way, 1-shot56.8 ± 1.9%58.9 ± 1.9%
CIFAR-FS, MAML 5-way, 5-shot70.8 ± 0.9%71.5 ± 1.0%
CIFAR-FS, MAML 2-way, 1-shot83.1 ± 2.6%82.8 ± 2.7%
CIFAR-FS, MAML 2-way, 5-shot88.5 ± 1.1%88.3 ± 1.1%
miniImagenet, MAML 5-way, 1-shot47.6 ± 1.9%48.7 ± 1.8%
miniImagenet, MAML 5-way, 5-shot63.0 ± 0.9%63.1 ± 0.9%
miniImagenet, MAML 2-way, 1-shot78.8 ± 2.8%74.9 ± 3.0%
miniImagenet, MAML 2-way, 5-shot82.6 ± 1.2%84.4 ± 1.2%

alt text

Cite this work

If you use (part of) this code or work, please cite the following work:

  title={Reproducing Meta-learning with differentiable closed-form solvers},
  author={Devos, Arnout and Chatel, Sylvain and Grossglauser, Matthias},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


[1] Finn, Chelsea, Pieter Abbeel, and Sergey Levine. "Model-agnostic meta-learning for fast adaptation of deep networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.03400 (2017).

[2] Bertinetto, Luca, et al. "Meta-learning with differentiable closed-form solvers." arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.08136 (2018).


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