

2020-02-27 | |  37 |   0 |   0


MobileNet+SSD+Focal loss by caffe

This is the MobileNet ,SSD and Focal loss.


I have run this deploy on the pi3,ARM A53 1G RAM.

the 600*600 image use time about 4s

this is the compile command on my pi3:

g++ -o mobilenetssd main.cpp pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv -D CPU_ONLY -I /home/pi/MobileNet-SSD-Focal-loss/include -D CPU_ONLY -I/home/pi/MobileNet-SSD-Focal-loss/build/src -D CPU_ONLY -L /home/pi/MobileNet-SSD-Focal-loss/build/lib -D CPU_ONLY -lcaffe -lglog -lboost_system -lcblas


I refer to many programs from other people.

The proto,src and include files have already changed.

  1. make sure you can compile the caffe.

  2. git clone https://github.com/canteen-man/MobileNet-SSD-Focal-loss.git and make -j7

  3. cd MobileNet-SSD-Focal-loss

  4. ./jobs/mobilenet+ssd+focal-loss-300*300.sh

A pre training model is provided here,the voc 07 +12  _iter_20000 caffemodel.

If you want to use openblas, you can git clone https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS.git

cd OpenBLAS

make -j7

make install

Of course, you need to change some files,such as Makefile.config。

上一篇: TPU-MobilenetSSD




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