

2020-02-28 | |  81 |   0 |   0

This repository contains experimental workflow and all related artifacts as portable, customizable and reusable Collective Knowledge components for image classification from the 1st ReQuEST tournament at ASPLOS'18 on reproducible SW/HW co-design of deep learning (speed, accuracy, energy, costs).


Artifact check-list

Details: Link

  • Algorithm: image classification with ResNet-18, MobileNet and VGG16

  • Program: TVM/NNVM, ARM Compute Library, MXNet, OpenBLAS

  • Compilation: g++

  • Transformations:

  • Binary: will be compiled on a target platform

  • Data set: ImageNet 2012 validation (50,000 images)

  • Run-time environment: Linux with OpenCL

  • Hardware: Firefly-RK3399 with ARM Mali-T860MP4 or other boards with ARM Mali GPUs

  • Run-time state: set by our scripts

  • Execution: inference speed

  • Metrics: total execution time; top1/top5 accuracy over some (all) images from the data set

  • Output: classification result; execution time; accuracy

  • Experiments: benchmarking the inference speed of different backends on ImageNet (automated via CK command line)

  • How much disk space required (approximately)? ~4GB

  • How much time is needed to prepare workflow (approximately)? several hours (mainly native compilation of packages)

  • How much time is needed to complete experiments (approximately)? hours for full ImageNet accuracy validation (50000 images)

  • Publicly available?: Yes

  • Code license(s)?: MIT license

  • CK workflow framework used? Yes

  • CK workflow URL: https://github.com/ctuning/ck-request-asplos18-mobilenets-tvm-arm

  • CK results URL: https://github.com/ctuning/ck-request-asplos18-results-mobilenets-tvm-arm

  • Original artifact: https://github.com/merrymercy/tvm-mali


NB: The # sign means sudo.

Install global prerequisites (Ubuntu)

# sudo apt-get install libtinfo-dev
# pip install numpy scipy decorator matplotlib
# pip3 install numpy scipy decorator matplotlib

Minimal CK installation

The minimal installation requires:

  • Python 2.7 or 3.3+ (limitation is mainly due to unitests)

  • Git command line client.

You can install CK in your local user space as follows:

$ git clone http://github.com/ctuning/ck
$ export PATH=$PWD/ck/bin:$PATH

You can also install CK via PIP with sudo to avoid setting up environment variables yourself:

$ sudo pip install ck

Install this CK repository with all dependencies (other CK repos to reuse artifacts)

$ ck pull repo:ck-request-asplos18-mobilenets-tvm-arm

Install this CK workflow from the ACM Digital Library snapshot

It is possible to install and test the snapshot of this workflow from the ACM Digital Library without interfering with your current CK installation. Download related file "request-asplos18-artifact-?-ck-workflow.zip" to a temporary directory, unzip it and then execute the following commands:

$ . ./prepare_virtual_ck.sh
$ . ./start_virtual_ck.sh

All CK repositories will be installed in your current directory. You can now proceed with further evaluation as described below.

Detect and test OpenCL driver

$ ck detect platform.gpgpu --opencl

Install libBLAS

$ sudo apt-get install libblas*
  • To detect and register in ck :

ck detect soft:lib.blas
  • To check the environment:

$ ck show env --tags=blas,no-openblas

A possible output:

cfe1e23a4472bb1d linux-32 32 BLAS library api-3 32bits,blas,blas,cblas,host-os-linux-32,lib,no-openblas,target-os-linux-32,v0,v0.3

Install OpenBLAS

$ ck install package:lib-openblas-0.2.18-universal

If you want to test other openblas version:

$ ck list package:lib-openblas*

Install LaPack

$ ck install package:lib-lapack-3.4.2

Install or detect llvm/clang compiler v4+

$ ck install package --tags=compiler,llvm

Though above is the suggested method, you can also install llvm via apt and the detect it via CK.

# apt-get install llvm-4.0 clang-4.0
$ ck detect soft:compiler.llvm

Packages installation

ARM Compute Library

$ ck install package:lib-armcl-opencl-17.12  --env.USE_GRAPH=ON --env.USE_NEON=ON --env.USE_EMBEDDED_KERNELS=ON

To check/install other versions available via CK

$ ck list package:lib-armcl-opencl-* 
$ ck install package --tags=lib,armcl env.USE_GRAPH=ON --env.USE_NEON=ON --env.USE_EMBEDDED_KERNELS=ON

MXNet with OpenBLAS

$ ck install package:lib-mxnet-master-cpu --env.USE_F16C=0


$ ck install package:lib-nnvm-tvm-master-opencl

Original benchmarking (no real classification)

ARM Compute Library client (OpenCL)

This program must be first compiled

$ ck compile program:request-armcl-inference

and then executed as follows:

$ ck run program:request-armcl-inference --cmd_key=all

You can also use "ck benchmark" command to automatically set CPU/GPU frequency to max, compile program, run it N times and perform statistical analysis on empirical characteristics:

$ ck benchmark program:request-armcl-inference --cmd_key=all

We validated results from the authors:

backend: ARMComputeLib-mali	model: vgg16	conv_method: gemm	dtype: float32	cost: 1.6511
backend: ARMComputeLib-mali	model: vgg16	conv_method: gemm	dtype: float16	cost: 0.976307
backend: ARMComputeLib-mali	model: vgg16	conv_method: direct	dtype: float32	cost: 3.99093
backend: ARMComputeLib-mali	model: vgg16	conv_method: direct	dtype: float16	cost: 1.61435
backend: ARMComputeLib-mali	model: mobilenet	conv_method: gemm	dtype: float32	cost: 0.172009
backend: ARMComputeLib-mali	model: mobilenet	conv_method: direct	dtype: float32	cost: 0.174635

Extra info: CK program meta

MXNet with OpenBLAS client (CPU)

$ ck run program:request-mxnet-inference  --cmd_key=all
$ ck benchmark program:request-mxnet-inference  --cmd_key=all

We validated results from the authors:

backend: MXNet+OpenBLAS	model: resnet18	dtype: float32	cost:0.4145
backend: MXNet+OpenBLAS	model: mobilenet	dtype: float32	cost:0.3408
backend: MXNet+OpenBLAS	model: vgg16	dtype: float32	cost:3.1244

Extra info: CK program meta and code

NNVM/TVM client (OpenCL)

$ ck run program:request-tvm-nnvm-inference  --cmd_key=all 
$ ck benchmark program:request-tvm-nnvm-inference  --cmd_key=all

We validated results from the authors:

backend: TVM-mali	model: vgg16	dtype: float32	cost:0.9599
backend: TVM-mali	model: vgg16	dtype: float16	cost:0.5688
backend: TVM-mali	model: resnet18	dtype: float32	cost:0.1748
backend: TVM-mali	model: resnet18	dtype: float16	cost:0.1122
backend: TVM-mali	model: mobilenet	dtype: float32	cost:0.0814
backend: TVM-mali	model: mobilenet	dtype: float16	cost:0.0525

Extra info: CK program meta and code

Real classification (time and accuracy)

Original benchmarking clients did not include real classification in this ReQuEST submission. We therefore provided code for real image classification for each of the above CK programs. This is also required to calculate model accuracy on all (or a subset of) ImageNet data set.

MXNet with OpenBLAS client (CPU)

You can benchmark classification using MXNet with OpenBLAS as follows:

$ ck benchmark program:request-mxnet-inference --cmd_key=classify

You can also install ImageNet data sets for model accuracy validation as follows:

$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-val
$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-val-min-resized

$ ck install package:imagenet-2012-aux

You can then run accuracy test as follows:

$ ck run program:request-mxnet-inference --cmd_key=test --env.STAT_REPEAT=1

You can find raw accuracy results (top1/top5) for several models here.

Extra info: CK program meta and code

NNVM/TVM client (OpenCL)

You can benchmark classification and test accuracy using TVM/NNVM as follows:

$ ck benchmark program:request-tvm-nnvm-inference --cmd_key=classify
$ ck run program:request-tvm-nnvm-inference --cmd_key=test --env.STAT_REPEAT=1

You can find raw accuracy results (top1/top5) for several models here.

Extra info: CK program meta and code

ARM Compute Library client (OpenCL)

ReQuEST promotes reusability of AI/ML workflows, packages and artifacts using CK framework. Since image classification using ArmCL was already implemented and shared using CK format and added to the ReQuEST scoreboard, we can simply reuse this workflow and compare against public results!

Please, follow this ReadME to reproduce ArmCL classification results on Firefly-RK3399!

Validated results

Validated experimental results were recorded and processed using the following scripts (we plan to automate it further for the future ReQuEST editions):

$ ck find script:benchmark-request-tvm-arm

They are now available in this CK repo and on the public ReQuEST scoreboard.


This workflow was converted to CK and validated by the following reviewers:

See accepted results on the live scoreboard


Further discussions





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