

2020-03-02 | |  40 |   0 |   0

Made with Wagtail

A showcase of sites and apps made with Wagtail: an easy to use, open source content management system from Torchbox.

Check out Awesome Wagtail for more awesome packages and resources from the Wagtail community.


Install Vagrant and VirtualBox, then from the command-line:

git clone git@github.com:springload/madewithwagtail.gitcd madewithwagtail
vagrant up# [.. wait until everything gets installed]vagrant ssh# [.. from your vagrant machine]djrun

The demo site will now be accessible at http://localhost:8111/ and the Wagtail admin interface at http://localhost:8111/admin/ . Log into the admin with the credentials admin / changeme.

Front-end installation

Install Node. This project also uses nvm.

To install our dependencies:

nvm install# Then, install all project dependencies.npm install

Working on the project

Everything mentioned in the installation process should already be done.

Starting the server

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Front-end commands

# Make sure you use the right node version.nvm use# Start the server and the development tools.npm run start# Builds frontend assets.npm run build# Runs linting.npm run lint:versions# Runs tests.npm run test# View other available commands with:npm run

Deploying a new version

To production

npm run deploy

From your local machine, it's a good idea to push to the master before pushing to the deploy branch. That way you know that both are up to date.


Browser support

Supported browser / device versions:

Mobile SafariiOS Phonelatest
Mobile SafariiOS Tabletlatest

New site submissions workflow

Anyone can submit a site on the submission form. When a new site is submitted, the details are saved and also sent to us via an email notification. We then need to manually validate the submission and add the new site via the CMS.

  • Check that the submission is valid (see below)

  • If the submission isn't valid, we won't add the site to our showcase. Remove it from the CMS.

  • If the submission is valid,

  1. Look for new submissions https://madewithwagtail.org/admin/forms/submissions/5/ (use the filters at the top to remove already processed dates)

  2. Export to CSV

  3. For each submission:

    • Get a screenshot of the website with headless Google Chrome, e.g. google-chrome --headless --hide-scrollbars --disable-gpu --screenshot --window-size=1200,996 https://springload.co.nz/

    • Fill out everything from the submission

    • Notify the developer

    1. Confirm whether it’s a Wagtail website, see Validating submissions.

    2. Find the developer’s profile page or create it if that’s a first submission

    3. Create the website page:

Validating submissions

A site is accepted for inclusion on Made with Wagtail if it is made with Wagtail. It's that simple – there is no judgement of a site's quality. In the future, we may change how sites are displayed so some are more prominently visible than others.

To confirm that a site is made with Wagtail,

  • Try to go to <site URL>/admin/. If the site uses the default admin URLs, it will redirect you to the Wagtail login page.

  • Use the Wappalyzer browser extension. It won't flag Wagtail directly, but it can flag Django / Python, and could also uncover other technologies.

  • Look at the homepage HTML to see if static assets are served from /static/, a common URL structure of Django sites.

  • Can you find trace of images renditions (e.g. images’ src finish with -max-800 or fill-500x500 or -original or -width-800) in the source? ✅

  • Does the page has some meta name="generator" content="..." showing that it was made with Wordpress or Drupal? ❌

  • Does the page has some /wp-upload path for the images? ❌

  • Look at other ideas to figure it out here https://github.com/springload/madewithwagtail/issues/62 ✅ or ❌

  • If all of those methods are inconclusive, assume that the site submission is faithful and that the site is indeed built with Wagtail.

Publication hook

We send Slack notifications for every new site page published to Made with Wagtail. To try this locally, set up a local.py setting override with the right settings.

上一篇: madeinoz




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