

2020-03-02 | |  42 |   0 |   0

auto-generating paper titles

Well, all the cool kids seem to be training their own text bots so here's one which finetunes gpt-2 to generate titles of scientific papers (or anything else). All code and instructions are in scrape_finetune_sample.ipynb.

settings for data gathering

  • all models are trained by finetuning the 117M model.

  • ml: Trained for 1000 steps on article titles from stat.ML betweem 2017-08-01 and 2019-07-01 with 'learning' in the abstract.

  • neuro/genomics: Trained for 100 steps on 2,870 article titles from arXiv q-bio GN (genomics) and q-bio NC (neurons and cognition) between 2016-08-01 and 2019-07-01.

  • quantum: Trained for 150 steps on a couple thousand article titles from arXiv quant-ph between 2019-05-01 to 2019-07-03.


Here are some samples for ml titles (more in the samples folder)

  • A Machine Learning Framework For Computer Vision

  • A Semi-Supervised Csi-On-Icb Test For Differential Privacy

  • Neural Control Variates For Efficient Inference And Meaningful Decision Making

  • Unlearn What You Have Learned: Recurrent Neural Networks For Pre-Processing Speech Using Sparsified Emotional Speech

  • Learning Representations For Long Short-Term Memory Linked Index Circuits

  • Stochastic Gradient Mcmc For Compressing Neural Network Training For Training Fine-Grained Relationships

  • Bayesian Inference And Wavelet Decomposition Of Iterative Random Code

  • Robust And Parallel K-Svm Through Sparsely Correlated Matrix Decomposition

  • Towards A Practical $K$-Dimensional Deep Neural Network Model Parameterization Theory Emphasizing Sequence Interaction

  • Deep Signal Recovery With Dual Momentum: A Complexity And Stability Analysis Based Analysis

  • Fault Diagnosis Using Deep Signal Recovery

  • Sparse Least Squares Regression: Robust Regularization And Recommendations For Improved Statistical Validation

  • Stacking With A Neural Network For Sequential Intent Classification

  • Deep Residual Auto-Encoders For Multi-Label Image Classification

  • Sparse Least Squares Regression For Robust And Adaptive Classification

  • Anatomical Coronary Stearage Reconstruction Using Deep 3D Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Deep Neural Processes

  • Gated-Cgroup Communications Solution For Ciliary Dysfunction Detection Using Hierarchical Directed Acyclic Graph Convolutional Network

  • Understanding Batch Normalization

  • Improving Gan Performance With Stochastic Gradients And More Via Optimized Alternative Estimation

  • Graphoisheter Encephalization Encephalization

  • Improving Gans Using Covariate Shift And Multivariate Spatial Embeddings

  • Dynamic Event Graph Convolutional Networks For Adverse Event Forecasting

  • Fast Asynchronous Parallel Training Of Deep Networks

  • On The Non-Parametric Power Of Logistic Regression For Smooth Events

  • Unifying Pac And Learning Mdps Using Influence Functions

  • Machine Learning To Plan And Downlink Using Intrinsic Motivation

  • Classifier Readiness Testing For Imbalanced Data

  • Fast And Scalable Bayesian Deep Learning With Limited Observations

  • A Comparison Of Deep Neural Networks And Adaptive Graph Neural Networks For Anomaly Detection

  • Distributed Deep Learning With Gossip Networks Using Bidirectional Lstm Sensors

  • Revisiting Reuse Of Super Categories

  • Anatomical Visual Exploration

  • Multimodal Social Learning With Active Interest Discovery

  • Stochastic Variance-Reduced Cubic Regularization For Approximate Inference

  • Predicting County Level Corn Yields Based On Time Series Data

  • A Deep Residual Network Approach For Predicting County Level Eegs Using Sparse And Incomplete Data

other things to train on

  • witty quotes (note: some of the produced samples may be offensive)

  • limericks

  • haikus

  • song lyrics


上一篇: gpt2-french




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