

2020-03-09 | |  95 |   0 |   0


This project can be used to obtain skeleton-data from openpose application. The following features are available:

  • Write json from videos

  • Create database from json files

  • Read data from database

Hadware Configuration

  • OS: Linux [Ubuntu 16.04 LTS - 64 bits]

  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB)

  • Memory: 16 GB

  • Processor: Intel Core i7 (7th Gen)


  1. Install openpose using this installation procedure.

  2. Install virtualenv using step #3 from this post.

  3. Download requirement.txt file in this link.

  4. Create a new env using this command mkvirtualenv "name_env" -p python3 change "name_env" for your choice name.

  5. Enter inside env: workon "name_env" .

  6. Install dependences: pip -r requirements.txt.

  7. Clone this respository using git clone https://github.com/ximenesfel/action_recognition_openpose.git command.


To write json files from videos (Recommended: GPU)

  • Open write_json_from_video.py and fill this variables: path_videos (path to your videos folder) and path_output_data (path where you like to save json data). Please insert all path. Ex: /home/"user"/Desktop/.....

  • Run python write_json_from_videos.py.

Create database from json files (Recommended: GPU or CPU)

  • Open generate_data.py and fill the variable path_data (path where you save json files). Please insert all path. Ex: /home/"user"/Desktop/.....

  • Run python generate_data.py.

  • The file database.dat will be saved in your current directory with all data from json's files.

Read data form database (Recommended: GPU or CPU)

  • Open read_data.py and fill the variable data_path (path where you save database file).

  • Run python read_data.py.





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