

2020-03-09 | |  52 |   0 |   0


In order to check this out you should have checked out a CMSSW release. It has been tested on CMSSW_7_4_4. To checkout package, please do the following in the src directory:

git clone https://github.com/szaleski/Pythia8-dilepton.git GenStudy


git clone git@github.com:szaleski/Pythia8-dilepton.git GenStudy

After the package has been checked out you can run the Generator dimuon_Pythia8_gen.py that resides in the test directory. Running this generator creates a .root output file. Also, it is possible to specify optional parameters at the command line, specifically, the number of events to produce (maxEvents), minimum mass cut (minMass), maximum mass cut (maxMass), model type (model), and output file name (outName). Any of the specified parameters may be omitted from the command, and will revert to their default values found in the mcCommandLineOptions_cfi.py file in the python dirctory. These can be hardcoded into the generator file though if one wishes.

To run please do the following:

  1. change to test directory

cmsRun dimuon_Pythia8_gen.py maxEvents=<number of events> minMass=<low mass cut> maxMass=<high mass cut> model=<model name> outName="<file name>"

This creates a .root output file that can be analyzed using Dimuon_cfg.py. This cfg file analyzes the TTree generated by dimuon_Pythia8_gen.py.

To run this file please do the following:

cmsRun Dimuon_cfg.py

It creates histograms for the following quantities of Boson, and dimuon pairs: pT, mass, energy, pseudorapidity, phi, theta, and charge. It also compares values of theta and phi for the muon pairs.

Do not use Plots.cc, this was an earlier attempt of Plots2.cc Plots2.cc can be used to generate different canvases to be analyzed in the .root output file created by Dimuon_cfg.py





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