

2020-03-10 | |  61 |   0 |   0

eXtreme Multi-label Text Classification with BERT

This is a README for the experimental code in our paper

X-BERT: eXtreme Multi-label Text Classification with BERT

Wei-Cheng Chang, Hsiang-Fu Yu, Kai Zhong, Yiming Yang, Inderjit Dhillon

Preprint 2019


Depedencies via Conda Environment

> conda create -n xbert-env python=3.7 --file environment.yml
> source activate xbert-env
> (xbert-env) pip install -e .

**Notice: the following examples are executed under the > (xbert-env) conda virtual environment

Reproduce Evaulation Results in the Paper

We demonstrate how to reproduce the evaluation results in our paper by downloading the raw dataset and pretrained models.

Download Dataset (Eurlex-4K, Wiki10-31K, AmazonCat-13K, Wiki-500K)

Change directory into ./datasets folder, download and unzip each dataset

cd ./datasets
bash download-data.sh Eurlex-4K
bash download-data.sh Wiki10-31K
bash download-data.sh AmazonCat-13K
bash download-data.sh Wiki-500Kcd ../

Each dataset contains the following files

  • X.trn.npz, X.val.npz, X.tst.npz: data tf-idf sparse matrix

  • Y.trn.npz, Y.val.npz, Y.tst.npz: label sparse matrix

  • L.elmo.npz, L.pifa.npz: label embedding matrix

  • mlc2seq/{train,valid.test}.txt: each line is label_ids tab raw_text

  • mlc2seq/label_vocab.txt: each line is label_count tab label_text

Download Pretrained Models (Indexing codes, matcher models and ranker models)

Change directory into ./pretrained_models folder, download and unzip models for each dataset

cd ./pretrained_models
bash download-models.sh Eurlex-4K
bash download-models.sh Wiki10-31K
bash download-models.sh AmazonCat-13K
bash download-models.sh Wiki-500Kcd ../

Prediction and Evaluation Pipeline

load indexing codes, generate predicted codes from pretrained matchers, and predict labels from pretrained rankers.

export DATASETS=Eurlex-4K
bash scripts/run_linear_eval.sh ${DATASETS}bash scripts/run_xbert_eval.sh ${DATASETS}bash scripts/run_xttention_eval.sh ${DATASETS}
  • DATASETS: the dataset name such as Eurlex-4K, Wiki10-31K, AmazonCat-13K, or Wiki-500K.

Ensemble prediction and Evaluation

python -m xbert.evaluator 
  -y [path to Y.tst.npz] 
  -e prediction-path [prediction-path ... ]

For example, given the ranker prediction files (tst.pred.xbert.npz),

python -m xbert.evaluator 
  -y datasets/Eurlex-4K/Y.tst.npz 
  -e pretrained_models/Eurlex-4K/*/ranker/tst.pred.xbert.npz

which computes the metric for the X-BERT ensemble of the label_emb={elmo,pifa} and seed={0,1,2} combinations.

Pipeline for running X-BERT on a new dataset

Generate label embedding

We support ELMo and PIFA label embedding given the file label_vocab.txt.

cd ./datasets/
python label_embedding.py --dataset ${DATASET} --embed-type ${LABEL_EMB}cd ../	
  • DATASETS: the customized dataset name which contains the necessary files as described in [download dataset section]

  • LABEL_EMB: currently support either elmo or pifa

Semantic Indexing and Linear Ranker

Before training deep neural matcher, we first obtain indexed label codes and linear ranker. The following example assume to have a similar structure as the pretrained_models folder.

Semantic Label Indexing

An example usage would be:

OUTPUT_DIR=save_models/${DATASET}/${LABEL_EMB}-a${ALGO}-s${SEED}mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_DIR}/indexer
python -m xbert.indexer 
  -i datasets/${DATASET}/L.${LABEL_EMB}.npz 
  -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/indexer 
  -d ${DEPTH} --algo ${ALGO} --seed ${SEED} 
  --max-iter 20
  • ALGO: clustering algorithm. 0 for KMEANS, 5 for SKMEANS

  • DEPTH: The depth of hierarchical 2-means

  • SEED: random seed

Neural Matching via XBERT or Xttention

Create Data Binary as Preprocessing

Before training, we need to generate preprocessed data as binary pickle files.

OUTPUT_DIR=save_models/${DATASET}/${LABEL_EMB}-a${ALGO}-s${SEED}mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR/data-bin-${MATCHER}CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPUS} python -m xbert.preprocess 
  -m ${MATCHER} 
  -i datasets/${DATASET} 
  -c ${OUTPUT_DIR}/indexer/code.npz 
  -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/data-bin-${MATCHER}

-GPUS: the available gpu_id -MATCHER: currently support xttention or xbert

Training XBERT

Set hyper-parameters properly, an example would be


Users can also check scripts/run_xbert.sh to see the detailed setting for each datasets used in the paper.

We are now ready to run the xbert models:

OUTPUT_DIR=save_models/${DATASET}/${LABEL_EMB}-a${ALGO}-s${SEED}mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_DIR}/matcher/${MATCHER}CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPUS} python -u -m xbert.matcher.bert 
  -i ${OUTPUT_DIR}/data-bin-${MATCHER}/data_dict.pt 
  -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/matcher/${MATCHER} 
  --bert_model bert-base-uncased 
  --do_train --do_eval --stop_by_dev 
  --learning_rate ${LEARNING_RATE} 
  --warmup_proportion ${WARMUP_RATE} 
  --train_batch_size ${TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE} 
  --eval_batch_size ${EVAL_BATCH_SIZE} 
  --num_train_epochs ${NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS} 
  --log_interval ${LOG_INTERVAL} 
  --eval_interval ${EVAL_INTERVAL}   > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/matcher/${MATCHER}.log

Training Xttention

Set hyper-parameters properly, an example would be


Users can also check scripts/run_xttention.sh to see the detailed setting for each datasets used in the paper.

We are now ready to run the xttention models:

OUTPUT_DIR=save_models/${DATASET}/${LABEL_EMB}-a${ALGO}-s${SEED}mkdir -p ${OUTPUT_DIR}/matcher/${MATCHER}CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPUS} python -u -m xbert.matcher.attention 
  -i ${OUTPUT_DIR}/data-bin-${MATCHER}/data_dict.pt 
  -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/matcher/${MATCHER} 
  --do_train --do_eval --cuda --stop_by_dev 
  --train_batch_size ${TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE} 
  --num_train_epochs ${NUM_TRAIN_EPOCHS} 
  --log_interval ${LOG_INTERVAL} 
  --eval_interval ${EVAL_INTERVAL}   > ${OUTPUT_DIR}/matcher/${MATCHER}.log

Predicting Indices

Predict the indices using trained XBERT or Xttention model.

OUTPUT_DIR=save_models/${DATASET}/${LABEL_EMB}-a${ALGO}-s${SEED}CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=${GPUS} python -u -m xbert.matcher.bert 
  -i ${OUTPUT_DIR}/data-bin-${MATCHER}/data_dict.pt 
  -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/matcher/${MATCHER} 
  --bert_model bert-base-uncased 
  --init_checkpoint_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR}/matcher/${MATCHER}

The prediction output will be stored in



Linear Ranker training

An example usage would be:

OUTPUT_DIR=save_models/${DATASET}/${LABEL_EMB}-a${ALGO}-s${SEED}mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR/ranker
python -m xbert.ranker train 
  -x datasets/${DATASET}/X.trn.npz 
  -y datasets/${DATASET}/Y.trn.npz 
  -c ${OUTPUT_DIR}/indexer/code.npz 
  -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/ranker

Linear Ranker Prediction

An example usage would be:

OUTPUT_DIR=save_models/${DATASET}/${LABEL_EMB}-a${ALGO}-s${SEED}mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR/ranker
python -m xbert.ranker predict 
  -m ${OUTPUT_DIR}/ranker 
  -x datasets/${DATASET}/X.tst.npz 
  -y datasets/${DATASET}/Y.tst.npz 
  -c ${OUTPUT_DIR}/matcher/${MATCHER}/C_eval_pred.npz 
  -o ${OUTPUT_DIR}/ranker/tst.prediction.npz


Some portions of this repo is borrowed from the following repos:


下一篇: adapter-bert



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