

2020-03-10 | |  43 |   0 |   0

Welcome to "Hands-on deep learning with TensorFlow 2.0 and Azure" Workshop!


This repository contains content of a four part workshop of using Tensorflow 2.0 on Azure Machine Learning service. The different components of the workshop are as follows:

The workshop demonstrates end-to-end Machine Learning workflow on the example of training a BERT model to automatically tag questions on Stack Overflow.

Getting started with the workshop environment

  1. Provision your personal Lab environment

    • Open Registration URLhttp://bit.ly/2OjknZW

    • Enter Activation Code which should be provided by the instructors of the workshop.

    • Fill out registration form and Submit it.

    • On the next screen click Launch Lab.

    • Wait until your personal environment is provisioned. It should take approximatly 3-5 minutes.

  2. Login to Azure ML studio

    • Once the workshop enviroment is ready, you can open new browser tab and navigate to Azure ML studio, using it's direct URL: https://ml.azure.com. We recommend to use Private Browser window for the login to avoid conflicting credentials if you already have Azure subscription.

    • Use credentials provided in the workshop environment to sign-in to Azure ML studio.

    • In the Welcome screen select preprovisioned subcription and workspace similar to screenshot below:

    • 图片.png

    • Click Get started!

    • In the welcome screen click on Take a quick tour button to familiarize yourself with Azure ML studio.

  1. Create Azure Machine Learning Notebook VM

    • Click on Compute tab on the left navigation bar.

    • In the Notebook VM section, click New.

    • Enter Notebook VM name of your choice and click Create. Creation should take approximately 5 minutes.

  2. Clone this repository to Notebook VM in your Azure ML workspace

    • Once Notebook VM is created and in Running state, click on the Jupyter link. This will open Jupyter web UI in new browser tab.

    • In Jupyter UI click New > Terminal.

    • In terminal window, type and execute command: ls

    • Notice the name of your user folder and use that name to execute next command: cd <userfolder>

    • Clone the repository of this workshop by executing following command: git clone https://github.com/microsoft/bert-stack-overflow.git

  3. Open Part 1 of the workshop

    • Go back to the Jupyter window.

    • Navigate to bert-stack-overflow/1-Training/ folder.

    • Open AzureServiceClassifier_Training.ipynb notebook.

You are ready to start your workshop! Have fun.





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