Parts4Feature: Learning 3D Global Features from Generally Semantic Parts in
Multiple Views
Deep learning has achieved remarkable results in
3D shape analysis by learning global shape features
from the pixel-level over multiple views. Previous methods, however, compute low-level features
for entire views without considering part-level information. In contrast, we propose a deep neural
network, called Parts4Feature, to learn 3D global features from part-level information in multiple
views. We introduce a novel definition of generally semantic parts, which Parts4Feature learns to
detect in multiple views from different 3D shape
segmentation benchmarks. A key idea of our architecture is that it transfers the ability to detect semantically meaningful parts in multiple views
to learn 3D global features. Parts4Feature achieves
this by combining a local part detection branch and
a global feature learning branch with a shared region proposal module. The global feature learning branch aggregates the detected parts in terms of
learned part patterns with a novel multi-attention
mechanism, while the region proposal module enables locally and globally discriminative information to be promoted by each other. We demonstrate
that Parts4Feature outperforms the state-of-the-art
under three large-scale 3D shape benchmarks.