

2020-03-25 | |  38 |   0 |   0

Minigolf Madness

A Unity game created by Manuel Crepin (manuel@crep.in) for the Fizzyo Project

Known bugs / to do

  • Trails not showing in shop preview in UWP builds on large screens

    • Shop has a player preview to see how they look once they buy an item

    • User can buy hats, colours (for the balls) and trails (temporarily highlight path)

    • On large screens, trail not seen (probably due to camera angle), fine for target device

  • All shop buttons init with "Locked" text (even if previously unlocked)

    • Need to check unlock state per item THEN set button text to Locked if it isn't unlocked

  • Change shop prices (currently all fixed at 10), balance with amount of coins per level

  • Unused assets under _Imports yet to be cleaned up (mostly ubused 3d assets)

  • Disallow skipping holes if no coins left

    • make local copy of savestate coin amount, or simply save after each skip

  • Save level unlock states (progression)

    • Add savestate int and saveManager bitwise function

    • Call unlock function when last hole of a level reached

    • Update menu buttons accordingly

  • User suggestion: add Accessories shop category? (eg moustache, balloon, etc)

Installing the included test build

  • Locate build folder under "UWP Install"

  • Run the .appxbundle file OR run the .ps1 file as admin


  • Please refer to the Documentation folder for further details about...

    • How to make a build of/install the game? -> Deployment Manual

    • How to actually play the game? -> User Manual

    • What does all his game code mean? -> System Manual

    • New physio game design for dummies? -> LEMONS Poster

    • Anything else/further details -> LEMONS - A framework... (thesis)

  • Keep on reading for a TL;DR of the above.

Directory structure

Assets (contains Unity project assets)
+- _Imports (all 3d models and tools imported)
+- Audio (copyright free music used)
+- Prefabs (collection of items used as templates)
|   |
|   +- Hats (all hat prefabs)
|   |
|   +- Map (obstacles/coins/course sections/endpoints/etc)
|   |
|   +- Trails (the trail prefabs)
+- Scenes (The Unity scenes)
+- Scripts (All the code used in the game)
|	|
|	+- Controllers (player/camera/preview/pointer behaviours)
|	|
|	+- Rotators  (scripts fr rotating coins/obstacles/etc)
|	|
|	+- Scenes (the behaviour scripts for scenes, and the parent LevelContent file)
|	|
|	+- Other (saving functions, tools, user input adapter class)
+- Visuals (all image/texture/material assets)

Packaging new builds to Windows Store format

  • Once built, App.cs and Package.appmanifest need to be edited:

  • Update the following App.cs method:

private void ApplicationView_Activated(CoreApplicationView sender, IActivatedEventArgs args)
            if (args.Kind == ActivationKind.Protocol)
  • In Package.appmanifest add a Protocol in Declarations and provide a name (ie: minigolfmadness)

Project notes

  • UserInput class is an adapter class waiting for the breath framework to be finalised.

  • Game mechanics and behaviours are finalised so content creation should be easy.

  • Recommended expansion/further creation of levels (see Game Info for details).

  • Item shop fully functional, could add new items (especially hats) but not crucial.

  • ProCore import has to be deleted for UWP builds! Will not run otherwise.

Game Info

  • HomePage is the parent scene and also contains the level select and shop menus.

  • Levels aim to be of similar total length (except Tutorial, obviously)

    • Over 100 total par (typical airway clearance session = 10 sets of 10 huffs)

    • Amount of holes is irrelevant, though each level should have about 10 coins (1/set)

    • Aim for a mix of challenging and easy, long and short holes. Avoid blind spots.

    • Remember, users would rather continue playing than have the game cut short!


Developer notes

  • Before making a build:

    • Some imports mess with the Unity Build process (eg avoid TextMeshPro at all costs)

    • Make sure ProCore folder under _Imports is deleted when building for Windows Store.

    • Make sure gameObjects which are cloned/instantiated are NOT ProCore objects!

    • Remove ALL "static" flags, they mess with the Unity lightmaps and make exports super slow.

  • When adding levels:

    • Existing LevelContent child classes (such as Woods) should be used as template.

    • Ensure the Unity scene has an empty LevelContent gameObject containing the child class script.

    • The LvlHUD prefab gameObjects need to be referenced in the LevelContent gameObject.

  • Adding shop items need changes in several places:

    • GameObjects need to be referenced in the SaveManager object in Unity

    • The HomePage script contains an array of prices, expand as necessary.

    • Colour and Trail item buttons take their colour from the SaveManager array.

    • Trails and Hats are cloned on player spawn from the SaveManager array, make sure to ref!






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